Houston Astros 2023 Season on a daily roll

Way to Go Astros!! Get the brooms out.
Complete domination.

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My pipe dream….

‘23 Astros = ‘27 Yanks

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The upcoming schedule has the makings of the Astros and Marinrs pullibg away.



Our margin of victory in the closest game of this series was 7.

We scored 7 total runs in the Seattle series.


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The ideal situation is to win the division and get the #2 seed (don’t think they’re catching BAL).

TB is more than likely going to be the top WC team and the #4 seed overall. Good chance Seattle is the #5 seed overall (again a hypothetical if we win the division). Thus would mean TB vs SEA in the WC round and the winner of that series plays BAL.

We would play the winner of MIN who would be the #3 seed vs the 3rd WC team and #6 seed overall which would be TOR or TEX.

This Is a fantastic scenario for us. Let TB + SEA go at it and then the winner have to battle it out in the ALDS vs BAL. While we face the winner of MIN vs TOR/TEX.

Winning the division is THE most important thing right now. Getting the rest but more importantly having your rotation lined up where the WC winner is having to go with their #3 or #4 SP in gm1 of the ALDS.

Before we start thinking ahead we NEED to get our $h!t together at home. 3 gms vs SD and 3 gms vs OAK. We’re 35-34 @ home. As good as we’ve been on the road has been offset with being pathetic at home. Would like to see a 5-1 homestand minimum. Seattle has 4 gms vs TB starting tomorrow.


Will the real Astros please step forward? How do they get swept at home by Seattle and the Yankees, but sweep Boston and Texas on the road?

Did the Tucker illness and Altuve shin injury make that much of a difference?

Odd for them to be so average at home…that’s very un-Astro like.

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I like Bochy. He could be a voice-over for Western documentaries.


The Astros served notice that in big series (ie playoff atmosphere) they are REALLY good.

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Dusty needs to start making these guys stay in a hotel even when in Houston….lol

The “Postseason Picture, presented by Adobe”, presented by Sideways.


Now that’s a good idea (staying in a hotel while home).

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I was joking because this is a veteran team….but there are coaches in various sports that have done it.

I was being sarcastic😁



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Hotel expense for home games would be infinitely cheaper than converting the outfield into Fenway Park 2.0. :sunglasses:




Oh my.


“After the game, Scherzer told reporters that he was dealing with “an ailment,” that affected him on the mound.”
Herp Derp.