BYU has also used something like that. My uncle has the UH one as a magnet on his refrigerator.
L3 only for me.
RED helmet, white UH on the side…leave everything else alone! Do you see Texas or aggie wear different helmets all the time? CBY knew what was best…
Almost every university has some version of “angry mascot strutting”
Don’t recall which year we used that, but I do recall it was in April.
Coach Levine was a good guy, super smart guy, and we should get him involved in the program again. Not sure he’d mesh with Dana though.
Like the throwback nature of #5. Might adjust some scaling so it doesn’t completely fill the helmet.
Also, while I don’t exactly like #8 itself, I do like the Space City concept. We should have some Space/Rocket themed alts.
Space Shuttle isn’t in use. Find a way to use the moon landing since the the first words from the moon were “Houston, Tranquility Base, the Eagle has landed."
Please, not that one! It looks like something a 3rd grader might draw.
That was what my HS used, except it had CHS. It was commonly used around the country.
That galaxy red would be awesome for a game against UCF. Wait until we are at home though. None of those logos are great, the thundercoog fits best. Either a UH done in the stars or maybe even no logo.
Create one with a picture of Lee Corso chunking a megaphone and saying “Ah F**k It!”
Then again, that would be hard to do.
Not a fan.
Only think I thought might be interesting would be a UH-UCF game. Have an astronaut space walk on UH helmet and a launch pic on a UCF helmet. A little more of a match to each location.
I do like the idea of a white helmet with a skinny UH. Would be similar to Neb w/o stripes
How about one with the City of Houston Seal?
After all, we are THE University OF Houston!
Sorry, but the collegiate Cougar reminds me of this year…1923.
Always thought that combo was interesting. Sagittal stripes from the of 1966-1986, but the Academic Logo used from 1995-1998. Still looked cool even if the combo was intentional or an oversight.
Not sure why they did not use the Athletic UH logo of the time those throwbacks were purported to be from. 1972, If memory serves.
Matte red please.
How about some Sam Houston in action logo
Scarlet Red and Albino White are supposed to trace back to Sam Houston’s ancester Sir Hugh. I could not quickly find anything relating to him color wise or Coat of Arms