HCC to begin offering Bachelor's Degrees

Will this affect UH at all?

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Interesting. I wonder what the admission requirements are for these in particular. If anyone and everyone can get into those programs, then I doubt it will have any significant impact. Doubt major tech companies will recruit at a community college

The article suggests that admissions requirements are still up in the air, but in general, HCC is pretty much open admission.

Maybe UH-D.

It won’t affect us at all. But if they were to add more in the future. It would benefit UH to make them part of the system or aquire them somehow


The jury will be out until kids see if graduates get hired quickly.

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Sell the land


This could become a paradigm shift of junior colleges offering Bachelor degrees in specialized curriculums. They probably would be better than some of the degree mills advertised on television.

Through the years, Lee College has transitioned from an academic centric college to a highly vocational centric institution serving the petrochemical and refining industries.

They could easily create a Bachelor’s degree program of specialized trades serving in those industries.


Great analysis. Public H.S. enrollment Nationally is down. Charter and private schools enrollment is up.
This education trend is all about:
“You get what you pay for”
This is the market place utilizing its decision making process. Public H.S. results around the country are awefull. Hence more charter schools opening up. Public H.S. curriculum is rightfully so upsetting parents. This leads to:
“Why should I send my child to a four years University and have her/him incur so much debt?”
Getting a “trade” bachelor at a JC is brilliant. Our economy is based on these trades. Four year Universities ought to offer these same degrees. Why aren’t they?