
Do we have to publicly have to give out this negative educational information when most successful programs just say the player is not playing because of personal or undisclosed reasons. Avoiding a negative perception of the institution ! CDH Hanlon’s Razor

Been watching a lot of football…I have yet to hear of any other schools having academically ineligible players. Probably never should have been brought up at the briefing and even more so, not jumped upon by Duarte as a major program failure.

Can’t believe we are the only school with players and students having difficulty with on-line classes and lack of tutoring.


I assure you, we are not the only ones.

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Hoping we can get out of this dang pandemic and have somewhat of a normal season in all sports in 2021.
In all honesty and after thinking about it, it’s not fair to judge the team or coaches after what they had to go through to play 7 regular season games.
I am ready to get spring training started and aim for some type of normalcy