Good lord this team is gonna make me have a stoke lmao good culture win

Glad they kept fighting. This was a culture win


we’ll take the W

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UCF is trying to start something with us. Did yall check out their “space” uniforms? Wtf man, you’re about as much our rival as UCF versus UConn. Remember that? :crazy_face: :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Sure do Vegeta. Lol they need to just go play their real rival USF OOC.

Thats back to back years they sold out because we came to town and back to back years we had to come back and beat them.

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We won, I’m happy!

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They’re about 45 minutes from where rockets are actually launched.

Sometimes space things aren’t about us.,Lockheed%20Martin%2C%20NASA%20and%20SpaceX.


True, but the fact that they chose the game when we were the opponent as their space game is absolutely about us.


Their whole theme for the game just came across as so lame to me…Space U on their jerseys and the baby blue color theme? LOL, wtf.

Y’all be SPACE U…

And we’ll be BASKETBALL U!!!

Better luck next time!


The H

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It seems to me that UCF is working real hard to manufacture an artificial rivalry. The Space City rivalry does not work for me.


I am of the opinion that real rivalries need to develop organically, not from Marketing.



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I’m good if they keep wearing them against us. Just like the Titans being 0-2 against the Texans when they wear the Oilers uniforms, those uniforms seem to be good luck for Houston teams!

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The phrase “Houston we have a problem” is echoed by so many people not from here that often people from here can get annoyed by it when they hear it on a broadcast or something. It’s one of the first things that outsiders think of when they see and think Houston.

As far as UCF and Orlando, I’m sorry but people think Disney 10 times out of 10. They don’t think “oh the team from Orlando the city where the rockets go off.” For this reason, they are not the real Space U but it is funny when they play dress up against the real Space U and we beat them


Are they shooting rockets from Orlando? That would finally get me to Disneyland.

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Don’t they have a big HRM program in conjunction with Disney? And ours is still higher rated. We can play your silly little game…

Whenever I hear a UCF fan claim they are the real Space U, I just tell them they were a Division 3 college when man walked on the moon, that should end the discussion right there…


I’m usually a “you can find something cool about any city” but not Orlando. I really dislike that city.

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Even Medieval Times?