GAMEDAY THREAD: Houston vs West Virginia 10/12 6:00 PM FS1

Dope uni’s. That pic with that bats flying out of the bridge is cool.


4-1 Beating Tech and TCU. I was planning to not drink at the game tonight, but…

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They are a scrappy team from what I’ve seen. Nothing flashy but compete and avoid beating themselves. Basically the opposite of our team


Don’t let me down Dana!

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Fellas, this is my first Houston game live for the season (I have watched all of the games on youtubetv after though) because I have been on the road at all of BYU’s games.

I am conflicted, earlier this week I felt good about Houston winning because I thought Holgerson would have that extra fire. Now I am coming around to the idea that Neal Brown will also have that extra fire behind him.

I think if it’s still a one score game going into the fourth we win. That’s my final prediction.


WVU picked last in B12, not surprising prediction was wrong. Didn’t think TCU and Baylor would be that good, but looks like they ain’t good at all. OSU and KSU are surprising records. Would be nice if B12 Championship was not OU/UT.

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WVU down two potential OL left guard and game time is left tackle.

They have 7 deep in OL but that’s about it.

Our skill guys in WR position are better and D Smith is a damn good QB.

This may be the let down WVU fans are all expecting.

If we can figure out how to stop the run we may have a chance.

Both teams will try to control TOP so I suspect that this will be a 2hr 45 minute type of game.

I think Dana has checked out even more since TT debacle. Tick tock….

WVU: 28
UH: 24

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Anyone got a blue lot pass?

I just hope this isn’t a “3 yards and a cloud of dust” bowl. Enough with the run/pass balance and snap count limits for our best players. Let it rip and worry about next week, next week


My strategy:



2 yards and a cloud of punt


Hope we circled this one


Lots of season ticket holders bailing on this game, offering free tickets…not good

I had to pay someone to take my tickets


WVU is here. Is Holgerson? Not sure he ever showed up to win some games…




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Man I hate their colors

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We did circle it but WVU had it circled longer and they need this win so they can be 5-1

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