GAME THREAD: #4 Duke (26-8) vs #1 Houston (32-4) l March 29th 8:35pm CST CBS

they are who we thought they were


Same here. Pacing back and forth.


DUKE should be nervous- our guys not so much.

PTSD flairing up watching NC State doing this to another team

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Hopefully the Aggie refs stayed in Memphis


This game is taking forever!

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I was nervous for Aggie not so much tonight

who does NC State fans cheer for tonight?

red cheer for red? we’d probably have Marquette fans behind us too

I can’t imagine an ACC team cheering for Duke


Alright clear the floor and let the real ballers come in! Go Coogs!

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Most Djuke fans here were cheering for them

The NC State fans just boo’d Duke louder than UH lol. I’m sitting on UH side though

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I was philosophical about tonight’s game until NC State won. Now I absolutely want the Coogs to play NC State.

Not going to lie, I love our final 4 path
 now it’s just about earning it!!!


How can you be taking in caffeine and stimulants right now lol

Get out the downers

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On Pearland watch where the heck is he at lol

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Seatbelts on, here we go!

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So what!

All the crazies on this board fixing to tune up I think I’m out and just watch game