You NEVER would have saw this kind of innovation from Pez and Dana.
You NEVER would have saw this kind of innovation from Pez and Dana.
That’s actually a great idea
Why wasn’t this ever done before?
Because we either had yesman puppets, guys collecting a paycheck or a grifter looking for his next gig for ADs.
Just a fantastic idea!!!
Brilliant idea ! Nunez ,Fritz et al are earning their money ! Why couldn’t we have had this type of synergy before ? It is all the same UH pieces but someone connected the dots. Simply Amazing .
Go Coogs !
That’s a hell of an idea.
I’m happy and angry at the same time.
I think we did do this once. I seem to remember coming to UH for a spring game and Frontier Fiesta was happening at the same time.
I BET Nunez had a big part of this. Fritz has other priorities at the moment.
I think that was during Herman’s first year.
I wonder who thought of it.
Now THAT is one of the best ideas I’ve ever heard.
Was this Fritz or Nunez?
Frontier Fiesta is one of our biggest cultural events so we need to make it BIGGER
I LOVE this idea
I remember something like that too.
Spring Party Time!!!
Smoke and mirrors. Just get us some wins.
Now THAT is one of the best ideas I’ve ever heard.
Good Grief! could it be that someone is actually thinking about coming up with something to entice both students and fans to not only come to the campus but to the game as well? Dangerous–those types don’t stay long at UH.
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