Had an obnoxious lady Techster turn around and shoot us the bird a few times last night. I didn’t witness much else from the Tech crowd that caught my attention last night.
However, I’ve had a few run ins with them in the past. Most notably, a Tech fan following me through the parking lot challenging me to a fight after the game at NrG. Totally unprovoked. Just happened to walk by his tailgate on the way to my truck.
Our daughter went to Tech and we went up for the game a couple years ago. Our fine AirBnB hosts (Tech fans. Not alums) continually ran down UH, its sports programs, and academics. It got worse after they won the game. They got a poor review
It wasnt just the fans,the players acted like they won an ncaa tourney game. They were waving and interacting with crowd. I found a new team to dislike that day