ESPN GameDay at Cincy

Well deserved but surprising given the opponent


First time? Wow

Good for them. Will be interesting to find out where they rank in CFP standings.


Only surprised they chose to do it for the Tulsa game and not SMU a few weeks later. Nevertheless happy for the Cincy fans.


ESPN is getting ready to bury Cincy in P5 propaganda. They had to throw that together to look impartial.


Thought the same but maybe Cincy-SMU wouldn’t beat out the others on that weekend. The first CFP ranking is coming.

They’re trying to soothe Cincy before the eventual FISTING they’re gonna get when the CFP poll comes out. lol :rofl:

It’s gonna be glorious. #yourenumbersix


This post makes no sense, originally Game Day was supposed to be in Cincinnati for the UCF game but got canceled at the last moment, and Cincinmati had two road trips afterwards. Also, why would you happy at a conference mate could he screwed over in the polls!? It hurts everyone just like it hurt us during UCF’s run.

I dont im rooting for yall… unless we play in a title game.

You haveto laugh or you’ll go crazy. The system is so rigged in its current format. Hopefully this will be a thing of the past in the near future but until then we’re all scroomed.

Why would it hurt UH?

Just like a rising tide lifts all boats, a low tide lowers all boats. When a conference power gets lowered, it lowers our chances of splitting a bigger bowl payout.


The theory that a conference mate getting screwed over and it affecting us is unproven.

Had we handled our business when Herman was here I think they would have given us a shot.

The playoffs is more than W/L’s. Its about raw power. If you demolish people and beat the good opponents with style you get respect.

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Maybe a little bit more money would be good but there is no other benefit to UH. Cincy’s current success and position only benefits Cincy now and in the long run. We always have to look ourselves. If we were in their shoes, they wouldn’t give a dang about UH.


True. Rece described the metric as “In Game Control” used by the Committee yesterday on Mark Packer’s ESPN Radio show…

So you have W/Ls but you have this “dominance” factor, which is completely subjective…So for instance, Georgia’s metric is off the charts, while I suspect that Cincy’s is so-so…

This is how it will happen in the eyes of many.

It isn’t going that far, because SMU will beat Cincy, and we will beat SMU again, with a lame duck coach…:smiley: