Drove down Cullen yesterday

Google maps went through in June and Cullen Blvd looks pretty good to me. Much improved over what was there.

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Plus, it’s summertime and they may have a smaller staff during summer months and take into account vacations, etc. Hope that’s right …


The campus is exponentially better than it was 15 years. Upgrades, renovations and new facilities all over campus.
Some just like to be really negative so I take this stuff with a grain of salt. Cullen looks great compared to just a few years ago and 15 it was a disaster. I am guessing some of the debris and lawn is due to the fact they are about to overhaul and update landscaping for the upcoming fall semester. The new places inside the newly renovated Satellite should be opening soon so that’s going to be a great addition for our students.


UTD is the way to go. UNT has a hood music program and that’s it.

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Public universities, and public entities for that matter, are not set up to deal efficiently with non-emergent issues, like post-hurricane clean-up. It would not surprise me if there is a maze of red tape that UH has to cut through to clean this up.

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UH is not much different than a lot of other places in Houston–the town some 80-90 miles from the Gulf. Drive around town and you’ll see a lot of places with storm trash still there–not to mention those places that still, after all this time, doesn’t have power. I’m not defending UH but a lot of schools don’t face a tropical storm, Hurricane threat several times a year. I’m sure our folks will do the best they can to solve these issues before the season starts. Let’s see how the cows, farmers, horses, etc. handle a cat 2,3, maybe 4 'cane on their doorstep. Quite sure the aftermath would be a thing of beauty.

I’m talking about pre-storm. The campus didn’t look very good. Not horrible by any means. I met an African American family where the mom graduated from Mizzou. They were walking around the same day we were. I was selling them on our History: new Med school, Physics, Pharmacy, Opth, etc. The girl who was applying seemed fine with campus. The mom was under-impressed. The dad stayed in the car trying to find them because he couldn’t handle the heat. Lolololol
The mom used the terms “drab” and “unrefined.” I have to admit it hurt me a little. Anyway, I sold them right up to the last minute, when I walked them into the UC and challenged them to a bowling match (the alley is open). I think I had the daughter. The mom was tough and a hard sell. They thanked me for the “comprehensive” background and sales pitch (as this time of year there aren’t much personnel).

Note: I guess we turn the fountain off in the summer. It was going to be my piéce de resistènce.

Oh well.


This post hi-lights the continuing problem with the UH administration as it comes to our ‘main’ flagship campus [and including the President] - they just do not get that optics on small stuff like this - matter. To use an analogy - why is UH always the one house on the street that is slow to mow the lawn, paint when needed, weed the garden, etc., etc. - optics and attention to detail should matter more.

It is great that UH is building new buildings, facilities - I am all for that - but if you are going that far - SPEND the effort to finish the small punch list items and maintain it. Just like seeing a really expensive, new model car that someone has let go to *#@! a year later. Stupid.


guess you just missed the fountain, based on the webcam of the fountain, it is on everyday and looks nice. Reminds me of many relaxing days around the fountain, both between and after classes.


I didnt know the fountain had a webcam…where can one see it?

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try uh.edu/webcam
look for Cullen Fountain, I go to the endzone facility, but there are many webcams on campus.
It connects the OOT Coogs.


I’m getting a “Page Not Found” return.

try uh.edu
search webcams

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I didn’t miss the f— fountain. It was turned off the day we were there. Lol

Maybe you should have had your Tandy 1000 with the external NEC modem hooked up back when we went. Lolololol
“Missed the fountain”

I don’t think any work on Scott Street is a part of the Centennial.

The fountain webcam I saw was from the 2018 construction.

I thought we were talking about Cullen. Also, what I was saying is lack of work might be just deferred work that will be done as part of centennial.


First time in Houston? That’s a point of pride to us Natives.



I’ve never been to Mizzou but this girl’s mother lauded the place and how pretty it is. I think one thing that might be different is that urban universities grow upward. You don’t have sprawling miles of countryside that the state can annex and plop down hundreds of little buildings with huge courtyards. I think that ultimately our university profile will be more of a skyline than a landscape. I say that in a general sense. In the end my encounter was just one family and I still think the girl (student) will choose UH - just a feeling.

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easy Francis, I meant you missed the fountain working. It is working all summer.