😲 Damn i missed this!

and don’t look now…but they beat West Virginia. Maybe Kansas isn’t the pushover we think they were going to be.


Then why hadn’t we won cusa or aac championships? The reality is our recruiting by has been subpar

Has everyone forgotten what CTH did for our program? Wins, championship, Bowl game win, big crowds, Htown takeover, student involvement, city involvement. Its been done before and can be done again. We just need the right person.

We did.

He was a con artist, who as someone in this board said, caught lightning in a bottle…. Using Levines players. I liked his defensive staff, but offensively, it was Greg Ward.

Oh, and where is he coaching now !!!

At least he is wealthy.

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Nobody forgotten but Herman was doing a great job pretending he wasn’t a fraud. In just a year, he became one of the most famous people in Houston, was even the grand marshal for a parade, had Drake and others on campus.

Herman had some his own BS thay was overlooked because he won, seemingly recruited well and was a salesman.

We drew 42k on a Thursday night after a loss.

We drew 40k against UConn after a loss.

We drew 41k against FCS Lamar. YES, an FCS school.

While Dana is more genuine than Herman, he doesn’t market UH that much. He doesn’t fire people up. Hell, we have never even drawn 30k with him as coach.

Even Applewhite was able to break 30k as coach.

I just said we need the right person like him.

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I think UH is Big (xii) enough to pay marketing people to market and allow coaches to coach.

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It’s weird how Applewhite was hammered mercilessly for attendance, but Holgi gets a free pass.

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Sorry I missed this parallel-Applewhite and CDH are similar how?

Herman got the credit for it, and he certainly played a role. However, a very talented, high-character group of players (mostly seniors) were the ones that made it happen. It could happen again, but not by Herman, who proved to be about as genuine as a Dave & Busters token.

Holgerson gets a pass for a LOT of things that Applewhite and Levine would get crucified for.

The Church of Dana comes to his defense EVERY time he’s criticized.


What possible reason could there be to compare the two :thinking:

We have to be ranked and nationally relevant for multiple weeks to get good crowds. The SMU game in 2015 had the same number of people as the SMU game last season. We were 8-0 playing Cincy on homecoming in 2015 and had 32k announced. If Herman was really a huge boost to attendance, that game would have been a sell out or close. It took us 9-0 with 5 weeks of being top 25 while playing a top 25 opponent (Memphis) to have the first sell out.

Also I see Lamar as 39k. We were the #6 team in the nation coming off the huge win over OU.

We havent even had 32k announced with Holgerson

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I can see you put a lot of thought into this decision tree. Well done.

I would like to suggest adding another line.

Complaining about not winning by at least 50 Fire the fan

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Did you forget Covid happened


I was about to say the same thing.

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2019 and 2021 had packed stadiums for several schools. Thats not an excuse.

We don’t pack the stadium except for marquee games. And we won’t unless we go undefeated every year. Welcome to Houston.

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