Coogfans from Phone

I have an IPhone 6 and it looks really good on it; can see multiple forums with top discussions from each simultaneously. Pretty good layout. Good job guys!

Is there a link to promo the new site from our facebook pages?

Thank you! Really trying to make the mobile experience a good one. Glad you like it.

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On my Android mobile, can you add something at the top of the screen showing that I am logged in [i.e. something that says “CougarDave” so I know my login credentials are not needed? Thanks for listening.

I’ve only really seen it on my phone so far, but one thing that kinda sucks is that since you can only see the top three topics of each forum in the forum list, the stickied topics take up those spots. I understand if you go into the list of topics that the stickied topics are on top, but in the forum list it would be nice to see the most recent topics.

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I got rid of the excerpt on sticky topics, so it should be cleaner now.

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Hey Dave, when you are logged in on your phone, you should be able to see you Avatar (which you don’t see if you are logged out.) Also if you need to log-in, you will see the words “Login” up top. Hope this helps.