Construction on Cullen (updated PICs)

I was on campus today (Friday, Sept. 16) and the construction on Cullen is coming along, but not done. Still lots of construction barrels. It’s got a long way to go between Holman and Wheeler (pics below). The wide sidewalks between Elgin and Holman are nice, but the crosswalk at Elgin/Cullen isn’t done at the corners. There’s temporarily black tar side walks leading to the street.

Here are the pics I took and a couple of videos (ONE OF WHICH YOU CAN SEE DANA WALKING DOWN THE NEW SIDEWALK at about 2:30 p.m. today).

Above is Cullen coming from Wheeler and looking towards freeway direction (TDECU on left).
This is near corner of Cougar Place and Cullen I think
On Cullen looking across at tailgate alley. Street still a mess.
Corner of Cullen and Holman

Video driving on Cullen, from Elgin to freeway

This is going down Cullen from the basketball practice center to Elgin. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THAT’S DANA ON THE LEFT IN A RED SHIRT WALKING PAST BASEBALL STADIUM (near the end).


We just gonna hit those orange cones a lot sat lol

I was just thinking the other day how they could fix the campus (especially going to the Big 12) and it’s the entrance this video shows. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :star::star::star::star::star:

Get it done already. Geez.


Great post! thank you!

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Typical city project…drag it out forever.

Blame it on COVID… :sunglasses:


This is a campus improvement project. Two large sections of this project have been completed but it takes time. Just so happens the part in front of the stadium started this fall. It will be done in time for the Big 12.
If you have a chance check out the new Med Center and Law building along with the improved sidewalks around them. The campus is really looking great.


I think it’s going to be really cool when it’s done. But i would’ve never guessed it would take so long.


Man feel like this has been ongoing forever. How long could it possibly take to redo a road?

Guess we’re finding out…

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I live in the Dickinson/League City area and txdot built this bridge as an on ramp onto I-45 that sat there for two years before they started building things in the direction to connect to it. Genius I tell you!!!

I’m in Webster, so very familiar! Just really glad the rebuild is done down to my exit.

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Thankfully the Elgin intersection at Cullen is done. Even though it will look messy the important segments that effect game day crafiic a difference parking have been completed. Walking to the stadium will be much better than we experienced for the basketball season.

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For home games, fb and bb, we travel on 610 thru the 288 interchange. It has been under construction for over 3 years, maybe more. I cannot remember when it began, but I’m thinking it will be under construction for several more years . . . . .

Was excited to finally drive into the stadium parking garage from 45 without construction only to find that some numb nuts decided it would be a good idea to shrink a 4 lane major thoroughfare down to two lanes with a center turn lane.

Yep there is plenty of room for the 15 foot wide sidewalk AND a four lane road (the original configuration) but no, no soup for you. What ever happened to common sense?

this just takes a special kind of STUPID