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Drew isn’t leaving for lville

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Drew can retire at Baylor. Waco is a nice little town and he could have a nice life there. He may be the restless wanderlust type, but if stability for his family means anything, he is set. His wife probably has an input on moving or not.


He’s been the Head Coach at Baylor since 2003 (21 seasons). If he’s a wanderlust, he’s done a good job of suppressing it.


Alpha types sometimes needs new challenges. Who cares about retiring when there are more lands to conquest?

Well, I have suppressed it for the 37 years I’ve been married because I wanted my family to have a stable environment. Were I single I would have moved around a bit.


Being at Baylor allows Drew to be overtly religious throughout his program. I doubt he’s willing to give up that aspect and latitude to go to Louisville.


Didn’t Pitino run the same sort of faith-based basketball program at Louisville???

Or am I confusing that with a stripper named Faith?


It’s funny I was thinking the same thing you wrote when I was writing my post. Maybe he’s just a wanderlust with a wife.

No one can shackle your mind! :grin: (Please don’t let my wife see this…)

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I just cant see it either

Rice will once again try someone who has worked at a private school most likely

When they got out that thinking they won but they keep going to that mode but you have a public school AD now so who knows

Pastner worked at GA Tech which is a similar top-notch engineering school. Maybe he makes the list of finalists. You know he’ll work hard to get on the list.

Alabama just rewarded Nate Oats with a contract extension that makes him one of the highest paid head coaches in the country. Sound familiar? It should. Alabama’s AD Greg Byrne was the Texas A&M AD that signed Jimbo Fisher to that monster extension.

Memo to Myself: If I ever get a chance to work for Greg Byrne, take it and ask for the moon.


Risky move


In between AD’s unless Bjork signed off on it but also that keeps him from worrying about a big search in the interim while he gets to know the land


SMU going after Will Wade???

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I’m sure they’ll make him a strong ass offer


That’s a wild move to push out a winning coach. Hope karma gets them for the next 10 years.


It’d be just my luck to get that table if I went there for lunch.

SMU was 19-7

And finished the season losing 6 of 7.

Only 2 years, thats pretty surprising. But if Will Wade or a top line coach is coming…good move?

I don’t think Lanier is a P5 coach. Im my opinion. I hope he lands back on his feet with a good gig.