China’s newest nuclear submarine sank in dock, US officials confirm | China | The Guardian

We All Live in a sunken submarine! a sucken submarine.



Made in China. What you expect. Roads collapsing and bridges falling the contractors cut corners only problem there it may get you the death penalty

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On a personal level, I’ve gotten bitten by their lack of quality control too. Bought a kids go-kart that was just rubbish. Still buy some tools that are made in china and the
quality is always not just right…but they are cheap enough to take the gamble on.

So not surprised to see this sub problem too much. I think at one time products made in Japan were crap too. But Japan
really got on board with Quality and now have what some consider the best cars overall. Should also point out that the economic systems of Japan and China probably have big role in the quality differences.

Yes we American use to laugh at Japanese products back in the 60s, 70’s they got their toehold in the American market during the Arab Oil Embargo due to the better fuel efficiency, they never looked back. Present day politicians trying to prevent history repeating itself ( they had massive state subsidies to help them) the samething happening this time with their EV’s ( which by the way most experts say are high quality especially BYD cars) hence the high tariffs. Chinese in the hearts especially are ruthless capitalist in a socialist system, they’ll compromise quality and safety to make a Yuan. We have our fair share here of these type personalities here in America anything for a extra buck…look at Boeing. Sub sinking sitting in dock. Crazy. Imagine that sucker sinking off the coast of California contaminating our coastal waters with radioactive fallout from the reactors on board, on those subs.

Wait… aren’t they supposed to sink?


I don’t buy anything made in China if I don’t absolutely need it. And if I do need it, I hunt for a product made elsewhere. It’s more than my distrust for that country, it’s the shabby production.

Here’s a dad→ grandpa example: Have you ever bought a bag of marbles for the kids to play with? Remember how those things made a nice clacky sound when they hit each other? Good luck finding them. All the ones I could find last time I looked are made in that land of slave labor. They look and sound cheap. Same with everything else they ship out by the ton.