CFP may withhold playoff revenue from SMU!

If this is true, then SMU’s prostituting itself to the ACC will officially be a NON-brilliant move.

So much for any theory that they were going to “surpass” us.

It also appears that the move to P5 will be getting tougher. Glad we got in when we did. Thank Abbott and Patrick with your votes for pulling the strings to get us in.

Read on.

Quote: However, after a discussion among CFP commissioners on Nov. 9, SMU did not garner the necessary support for additional revenue distribution. The issue has now been shifted to the commissioners’ corresponding presidents on the CFP Board of Managers, the playoff’s highest governing body made up of a school president from each FBS conference and Notre Dame.

Quote: For the next two years, however, the school could be out $6 million that officials expected to receive. That includes the $1 million CFP share from the Group of Five as that, too, is at stake.

Quote: Without the CFP, SMU’s first nine years in the ACC may generate annually roughly half of what it earned in distribution while in the American Athletic Conference (about $9 million).

Quote: If the CFP does deny SMU’s Power Five funding, the association sets a moratorium on additional revenue for those schools elevating from Group of Five to Power Five — a policy likely to even span into a new CFP contract starting in 2026. The move is yet another sign that college leaders are attempting to restrict Division I’s highest body from further expansion.

That goes for those moving from FCS to FBS. For instance, the Division I Board of Directors increased the FBS entrance from $5,000 to $5 million last year.

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Haha I beat you🤣 But I know this your chance to say I told you so.

I still can’t believe some of the SMU-o-philes we have on this board.

It’s INCOMPREHENSIBLE that anyone here thought that SMU was going to come out ahead of us.

REALLY dumb.


They’ll be fine. They knew what it was for the first 9 years. They’ll be in the positive everywhere else.


If the CFP committee makes up a rule after the fact to punish one school and say it will apply to others who make the jump, there will be a ton of litigation that could cost the VFP committee a lot.

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Read the article and it appears the CFP had to vote on the payouts to new schools. uh, Cincy, BYU and UCF were all approved. SMU was not so doesn’t appear to be a new “after the fact” type rule.

Is the CFP payout by conference or school?

I can see the AAC splitting it if SMU isn’t approved so SMU wouldn’t take the entire burden.


What if SMU makes the playoff?

If I was SMU, I would be praying the ACC disbands. This deal that they cooked up to get in the ACC keeps getting worse and worse. How can they compete long term with such a financial discrepancy?

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They have rich donors to cover the meager AAC payout and they will make up for it, in ticket sales, when FSU, Clemson, NC, Miami, etc. Roll into town for football + basketball.

One early 2024 football poll already had SMU in thr top 25


Maybe the cfp committee will just vote out any team not to their liking…we decree that from now on, only the sec and big10 get cfp money.

Which they really actually just did with choosing the participants of their liking.


Aside from liking SMU, or not, how in the world can the CFP reject payment to a school a Power Conference invited.

The rules are the Power Conference Champion gets an automatic bid.

Are they saying SMU isn’t a legit member of the ACC even though they were invited?


P2 want to shrink the pie not So after UH, BYU, UCF, Cincy there like we’ll let them in at full share to make the B12 whole, adding any additional G5’s your not going to get paid, sorry ACC and PAC 2 and B12

This is definitely very telling on how some folks on the CFP board view SMU and it is certainly not on par with UH, BYU, UCF and Cincy. However, SMU’s bragging about Daddy’s money may make it even easier for the board members to reject giving full P5 share to SMU.

With that said, SMU would have still taken the deal even if they knew they weren’t getting the full P5 share of CFP money.

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Agree, other speculative reason is , moving UT and OU to the SEC created valuable matchups for the enterprise that far exceeds the cost of adding UH, BYU, UCF and Cinci to the pot ( 6 million each). There is a substantial net gain and benefit to the power conferences.

There is no value derived for the enterprise by SMU’s move. It wasn’t initiated by a raid of BIG or SEC on the ACC. That’s why SMU’s case is a net loss to the enterprise.

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Looking at this further, SMU is possibly being victimized by FSU’s lawsuit.

FSU complaint was that SMU admission adds no value to the ACC.

If the CFP committee upgrades SMU payout to P5 level, then it would directly challenge FSU’s complaint.

The CFP, not wanting to touch anything that could impact ACC’s litigation, probably said , lets keep everything status quo to all ACC related (including SMU payout), until they resolve their issues.

I’d be surprised if board of managers do not punt this to after ACC settles their issues.

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So what happened when SMU wins the ACC and goes to the cfp?
Do they not get any money. Heck what if the won a NC in the next 10 years? Still no money.

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Then there will be a heck of a lawsuit.

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ESPN thought they had killed the Big 12 with the OU +UT to the SEC.

They literally gifted the PAC the option of killing a competing Power 5 Conference and they passed!
If ESPN wanted to, they could have blocked the UH/UC/UCF/BYU as CFP payout members but at that point they had already decided to give the PAC the cold shoulder.

The PAC literally had the kill shot…yet their arrogance told them to pass…lol