Cfp is on the verge of going to14 schools or...the big10 and sec to secede?

Yeah…im thinking IF the P2 expands to 48-50, UH has a REALLY good shot at making it in!

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With all due respect, you seem to be dancing around the issue…

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lol not going to get into this argument again

Hence hiring someone that is either a proven winner or a coach with high potentials. Clearly and results proves it.

Small brand maybe, but one of the largest markets and winning a Natty in basketball would go a long way on improving the brand.

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LAW, i think you are underestimating the potential of the Univetsity of Houston, both as an Athletic Program and as a Public University.

We have the potential to be a University of Texas- Version 2.0 IF we play our cards right and evolve in the right direction.

I mean, look at all we’ve accomplished for being less than 100 years old and significantly under funded for the majority of that time.

Now think about the next 100 years!


Everyone was a small brand at sometime in there history. Except for the originators and initial players of the game the Harvard, Princeton’s, Yales etc of the time who were the Ohio States, Texas’s, OU, Bama’s of there times. Until they decided to get out of big time FB because they saw very early where it was going, towards corruption.

The revenue disparity between the P2 and Big 12 is too wide for UH to ever catchup anywhere close to UT.

The different between Ohio State and Harvard is that Harvard doesn’t even need an athletics program (any sport) to make money.

Most schools outside the Ivy Leagues/Private Liberal Arts Colleges all depend on athletics for a multitude of reasons.

As long as Harvard grads continue being Managing Directors at Goldman Sachs, it really doesn’t matter if they have a football team or not

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UT not only CAUGHT the original power brands of college football…they zoomed right past them.

Tell me this mysterious multiple of reasons? America is the only country that does this crazy athletic thing, it’s unique to the American culture no where else you’ll see the crossbreeding of athletic’s with higher education in the world at the multi million dollar rates here, and I mean no where.The Ivies are considered smart and elite for a reason they were smart enough to figure out where this commercialization of amateur sport was going. They got out

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ my man

Majority of ivies don’t even offer athletic scholarships

The rest does it wirh Soccer clubs.

They recruit kids in their early teens…if not sooner.

Look at Beckham…they recruited him early yet WE are appalled by NIL going to teenagers

Sports outside of the U.S. is played in a much different way.
Here we play for a H.S.
Outside of the U.S. you play for the city that you live in. You do not play for your H.S. Understand the difference? This allows players to move up in age class. You show you are doing great? They move you up and play against older/bigger players. The “natural” selection happens much sooner. No one or hardly anyone plays American Football outside of the U.S. Basketball is the only sport that can be looked at with one “system” vs another.
Europeans pro players at 18 is common. The French, Spanish, Greek and Russian basketball leagues have a ton of youngsters. At the same age American kids play either for a H.S. or college.
Regarding the cfp it is 100% the ncaa’s fault. Amateur sports has been dead for decades. Who is to say that an NC State, VT or even ECU can’t be in the same league with the p2’s? Make no mistakes about it. This latest “bait and switch” of a cfp contract is just that. You think we have an iron clad contract? Think again. Remember the old adage about reading the fine prints? All of this cfp contract can go out of the window as soon as the acc renegades leave.
Why are some schools afraid of the NIL? Because these same schools can’t control the money outcome. ncaa kids with an NIL is now getting closer to what every other country in the world do with their sports. I am not writing that it is good or bad. It is what it is. U of H has to do a much better job attracting NIL money. The BIG 12 and acc are in the same situation that the AFL and USFL were a while ago. We beat p2 schools like a bama or Georgia? You can be sure this will have a major impact. IN HCWF I trust. I do feel he is our greatest asset on getting invited to a p2.

Realistically, there’s only one UT. There is no UT 2.0. On a long time-horizon, our upper bound as an institution is probably a peer to Georgia Tech or Washington, and on a shorter time horizon it’s probably Temple or USF or Arizona State.

The chance of UH getting invited to the P2 is slim to none, and realistically, the only conference that would invite a new Texas school would be B1G, unless they somehow entice UT/A&M to leave the SEC

Agreed and BYU is in the same boat. There is power in knowing our schools need to grow the Big XII.

Now is the time to push for success on the court and field and become the biggest conference homers / cheerleaders.

Should be fun!!!

The Big 12 is stable because all the schools are more or less the same.

The Big 10 and SEC will brand itself as the big 2. Much like the NFL in the 1960’s. The Big 12 needs to be the AFL. Upstart schools willing to try different things.

Including going international.


Think Yormark is trying to enter into the Mexico market, but that’s not necessarily what you mean I assume.

It would be cool if the Big 12 somehow could get nationally televised games with International Universities that have sports, but I assume that’s incredibly difficult logistically

51 your right that’s what I been saying, when I posted in a few threads, Yormark should be approaching the Saudis with their multi billion dollar sports fund to see if they want a piece of the action.