CDH will make a lot of friends if he calls out the refs

Mike I do not mind CDH answers but he should have been in touch with his spotter and throw the flag no matter what the outcome might be. For sure he will learn from this.
The BIG12 has to come out with a statement that the entire umpiring crew is suspended,


Fertitta not happy with the spot.

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If the runner was holding the ball with his a** cheeks, the ball still would have been past the line to gain. There is no way the officials did not see that.


Like I said when it happened we got spotted a whole yard short. They made sure there was no doubt we didn’t get it. Literally they spot it where his foot was and has was leaning way forward. Spotted us a foot short and we at minimum without any shadow of a doubt got 2 and probably 3.

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The funniest part of that thread is how they were saying we got lucky they accidentally messed up the fake field goal

He has probably made over $100M in salary as a HC. He can afford $25K.

Can we protest the game?

Yes, that call was that important

To be fair, there are bad calls throughout a game. We got away with some pretty egregious holding non calls against their DE Burke on two big pass plays.

The biggest ref “mistakes” were overturning the Manjack TD, picking up the flag on the holding/facemask, and the final spot of the ball.

Each had HUGE potential and real significance.

Even the spot of Manjack’s catch had the ball touching the hash at the one. Glad we scores.

The picked up flag allowed horns to get the go-ahead score instead of punting.

And, we all know the last deal
terrible spot
completely egregious.

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We had no challenge. Watch the post game presser for more info.

JFC you get paid $4M to know what’s reviewable in crucial situations.


The REAL question is purely abut the integrity of the game itself. How many games, thousands of games have we seen/heard the following:
“The play is under further review.”

You can’t read that last part without reading the rest of the quote.

What he’s saying at the end is just exasperation, frustration.

They tell him review was done. He can’t see how that was true and the spot wasn’t changed.

He’s not saying he has no familiarity with the rule.

This is the way humans speak. You’re just looking for something to complain about, but it’s not there.


I personally do not believe UT will get the same treatment in SEC as they have in SWC and Big 12ish . . . . .

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Good lord if that’s true

The SEC is licking their chops, I ain’t talking about BBQ and finger-licking good chicken, to get a hold of UT.

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Coach could not throw a flag or demand a review as this was last 2 minutes and all plays are automatically reviewable. Coaches have no challenges. He was told the play had been reviewed and the spot confirmed.
Take your anger out on the UT alum who was the review official, not on CDH.


With all due respect, do you not see what happened?

Of course, but it’s not as though that’s an excuse for our non-existent run game, our end zone INT, or getting behind 21-0.

Or our lack of a Jumbo Package when we need a QB sneak (under center) to get less than a yard