CDH will make a lot of friends if he calls out the refs

Blaming the refs for a loss is pretty lame.


It was a pivotal call in the last 2 minutes of the game.

That they didnt is a huge part of it. Replay is a part of the game now, to ensure cals are correct on the field. This was clealy an incorrect spot and should have been reviewed given the closeness of the game and the importance of the spot.

Even if it wasnt close it still should have been reviewed!!

The replay ref, or whoever makes the call to review or not should be fired and a statement from the B12 should be demanded by UH.

I’d protest the outcome.


You know what is lame? What is lame is that everybody including Brando and Tilman said multiple times that this was an horrible call and should have been reviewed.
We got beat fair and square? I have no issues with it followed by a “good game” What I saw during the game and finally at the end was an atrocious referees squad/tea,. That buddy is more than lame.

No surprise moncoog likes “lame.”


4th down?!


Unfre.king real.
He not only clearly gets it but the ref’s decision is inexcusable.


Not when it comes to UT
it happens ALL the time.

2 givens with UT

  1. they will ALWAYS start the season +/- 15 in the preaseason poll so they can justify moving them up pretty quickly (pay off AP voters)
  2. any questionable call that you can get away with will go UTs way. A few years ago i was watching UT/Iowa State and UT was driving for the game winning touchdown yet they fumbled the ball inside the 5 and Iowa State recovered BUT they stated no fumble. It was clear as day but they figured they’d get little backlash from Iowa State. Then Texas scored and won the game
of course!


Ask Nebraska about that.


We had a challenge. We didn’t use it. Dana said in the post-game that he didn’t use it because he thought the refs were already doing it. He should have made sure of that before they ran the 4th down play.


“we won the game”

Now freeze it at 12 seconds:
Now see his progressions vs the yellow line and my blue line.

He clears the 1st down mark without any doubts.


If true then----un f believable. This crap has to end. F up after f up

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Still lame law?

No F up they did what they were paid to do by Texas.

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Ben, please do not tell me he said that

OMG!!!.Get him out of here now. Fired this freaking idiot
NOW! Reason why I made separate thread about BYU challenging. We had a challenge and did not use admittedly by knucklehead

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Thats why nobody wants to be in a conference with them.

I hope you realize what you just did!

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I thought it was a bad spot but let’s face it, if UH converts on 4th and 1, very few are talking about the spot

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The officials on third down play took a play out of UT UH game in Austin years ago. Checked to see where the yard marker was, then moved the ball back behind the line to gain a first down

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Also, you should screenshot to show where the far sideline ref spots the progress. He has us on the 9 yard line. Magically the ball is placed a half yard short.