The Suspense is now on the Clock.
Edit: any post n i can send few more nuggets from Coach. I dont know how to string them together like some do… sorry.
Edit: hmmm it let me put 3+ post in row.
I’m getting goosebumps and shivers.
Will quote best as possible for those w Paywall:
CDH on his Radio show said they are aware that there are rumors that UTSA likes to pump in artificial crowd noise into speakers. This is against NCAA rules.
More from Coach-- " I’ve been in there when there’s 10,000 fans n can get really really loud when they pump up the volume" .
" We’re not going to let that happen".
Well Dana certainly isn’t making any friends in San Antonio is he? lol
I like his confidence in his players, I just wonder if he is borderline throwing out bulletin board material?
I really hope we see the type of UH offenses we were accustomed to in the past. I’m excited.
I actually watched a preview where they said Clayton Tune will put up big numbers because he is in the run and shoot system.
I would love to see some tweeks to the offense as well. While we averaged 35 ppg last year, most of the stats were inflated against weak defenses. The offense averaged much less against Tech, Auburn, and Cincinnati
My exact thought. Hopefully there’s enough people in red to drown out the ones in blue
CDH also mentioned this on his radio show. That he hopes lot of Coogs fans show up to drown out some of the Home field advantage.
Edit: my hope is Coogs jump out to quick 2 score lead in 1st Qtr. That will quiet the Roadrunner crowd in a hurry.
Really wish he wouldn’t have said that. UTSA doesn’t need anymore motivation. lol
Well most on here thought CMA was way too laid back, boring. CDH seems to be getting more comfortable as he’s gets entrenched as Leader of Football program. I likey!
For as smart as he is with Xs and Os, he’s an absolute idiot when it comes to saying stupid crap about opponents the week before the game.
I don’t see it as a diss to the other team. He knows this game is not going
to be easy and he has stated that multiple times and has given props to their coach and players. He says we’re going to try and kick their @&$, not we are definitely going to to easily. Just my two cents.
Feel like he’s being a little more outspoken… which I thk brings confidence to those around him n his players. Don’t mind it a bit.
Edit: can give the ole Coach speak all day all the time, very boring. Can also try the CMA way ( say very little, show no enthusiasm ) that went over well… Not. #GoCoogs