Brett Yormark/Big 12 Exploring In-Game Experience

Yormark is all gas and no brakes.


lol, Dana on a hot mike. Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep


That’s exactly what’s going to happen. Fortunately, they will have about a 2 minute delay incase they have to bleep out stuff.

10/10 a player hangs dong on camera. That seems like something that would eventually happen.

My first thought was the Mad TV skit where they put the Sopranos on broacast television. Just a bunch of jump cuts every few words.

Speaking of Dana


Finally something i agree with him with


This is going to require either longer delays between live and broadcast, or they’re going to have to slap an “R” rating on the games. :laughing:

Having content warnings show up on football broadcasts is going to be awesome.


This sounds funny now, but this is a BAAAAD idea given our current coach.

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I really liked in that North Texas game a few years ago that was broadcast on Facebook where they had the body cams on the refs and players. I loved some of those replays.

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Can’t be worse than Kim Helton yelling at a ref calling him a MF.

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Love or hate Dana, I like the old Houston dysfunctional vibe. Let’s give Dana the UH equivalent of this jacket. We all know he likes the black look anyhow.

Maybe they will sell the jackets to us too. Jordan branded.

Say what you want about Glanville - He was WAY ahead of his time with adding black.

or Scarlet. Like Coogs and Oilers


If it can be put on your phone, great idea, like stadium game day pics on phone put on big screen and phone used at night games. It is all about the phone.

These gimmicks sound like something the XFL would do.

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ND played in Ireland and others overseas so it could be good.

LOL First thing I thought of was CDH too.

I would rather they not be mic’ing the coaches will be hard. I want them focused on the game and not entertaining us.
Interviews are fine

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I know the feeling is probably mutual but you worry me sometimes, CB. :saluting_face::sunglasses:

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If Yormark wants to set the B12 apart, he would hire the producer for the Drive to Survive. The mega popular docuseries that has made F1 the biggest growing sport in US. It could make the B12 instantly more popular.

Obviously it wouldn’t all work, but there is a lot about the XFL’s presentation I really like. I wish the NFL and NCAA would go to their review process. Remove the doubts, by letting people see the process of review.