Big 12 Tournament contract in KC expires in 2025

Would love to see Ft Worth make a run at it! Or is it too close to TCU

KC is 40 minutes from Lawrence.

Dickies is Ferrtita North

Look lets be fair and make it pain in the ass for everyone. Big12 tourney will now be hosted in… Hawaii!

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Commissioner Yormack said the prior administration extended to 2027. He was asked the question about moving the tournament to another venue and he said as of now he doesn’t know but has been pleased of how it has been running smooth. He did say starting next year i believe both the women’s and men’s tournament will be at the same venue moving forward.

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Yep contract runs through 2027. Here is an article about it and potential moves, which don’t sound likely.

It’s a bit of an advantage to ISU, KU, KSU and OSU. They do get great turnouts every year there. If it was in Dallas, it would be advantageous to UH, BU, TT, TCU and OSU. Plus, both Texas metroplexes have loads of alums from all schools.

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I don’t know. I think we play MUCH better at Dickies than FC. We’ve never lost a game at Dickies!


What about having it at Toyota Center? You could have events in GRB and at Discovery Green park.

Well maybe not since the Rodeo is in town at the same time.

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I love Kansas City.

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They try to pick a spot that Geographically fits as best as possible for all Conf teams. And of course has to meet certain criteria w hotel space, amenities etc. KC fits very well imo for the BIG12.


And what do you tell the AAC to do w their end of season ConfTourney for M/W.
Ahhh, i really don’t want to hear the answer. :grin:

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Keep it in KC. Beautiful arena. Great location in downtown where everything is walkable. No NBA or hockey to worry about. And KU, ISU, and KSU fill that place up.

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Agree. If it aint broke…

Put it out for bid. Whoever makes the best offer.

Kansas City is an interesting place.

Memphis in centrally located…

You’ve got a statistically higher chance of being killed in Memphis but I love the joke.

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Tough to alternate a conference tournament site. While it sounds good, the local city officials, volunteers and the arena really make it run smoothly. If you keep changing the city every year, you loose that experience and volunteer network. Maybe alternate every 5 years, Kansas City and Texas (Dallas and Houston).

You’re right. One reason the Rodeo does so well is the volunteers have been out there for decades

I know the Texas’ schools want to give OKC or Dallas a shot again, but the tournament just works in KC. When it did go South of Kansas, turnout was really, really bad. And KC is just set up so perfectly

Football in Dallas and Basketball in KC. That’s the compromise and it should absolutely not change.

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