Big 12 / SEC / B10 Expansion Thread (Part 2)

Still don’t see any movement with out of the ACC. No one has provided a reasonable and viable pathway out of the GOR.

I think power conferences are set until 2030’s.


LAW…how are ACC schools getting out of the GOR since you seem to be an expert in this subject?

Don’t know.

As I said, I am wondering that myself.

We’ll see what their lawyers come up with.

The rumor among the talking heads is that Clemson has found a way out.

We’ll see.

May not be true, but as I said, I consider McMurphy to be the most reliable source for this stuff, and he thinks the ACC blue bloods will be gone within three years.

As I said, if something like that happens, it will NOT be unexpected. Most of the experts are now predicting it.

I’m not trying to change the actual topic, but Butkus was not the greatest MLB of all time. Start with Willie Lanier.

The talking heads like to create inertia in realignment. If we say it enough it will happen.

It’s not that they can’t leave the ACC or are prisoners to the GOR. The problem is how can they leave without having to face severe financial penalties.

If they leave within the next 3 years, then they will all have to pay high exit fees and forfeit TV revenue from their new conferences. I can’t see a scenario where they negotiate themselves out of penalties because the 3 teams that most likely leave are the highest valuable brands in the ACC. The other teams will have to benefit equally or maybe even a bit more if they intend to leave prior to 2036. That’s literally the point of a Grant of Rights.

Judging by the reports that FSU was potentially going to seek help from JP Morgan to raise money (which is absolutely absurd but I guess that’s where CFB is now), it clearly proves that this won’t be an easy move.

I’m not sure how a school like Clemson think they can leave just by saying it or leaking to media outlets their intention to leave. It’s like “okay Clemson, you intend to leave the ACC for greener pastures…… but…… how exactly???”


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There one lock.on Big12 show that’s been laying out the case for this to happen, ( it’s under the radar story no one following) they may be just right. ESPN has 320 million reasons why they might want to see the B12.

…but you keep acting like it is a done deal!

This is why the 3 additions to the ACC was brilliant for those 3 and ESPECIALLY SMU.

It prevented the break-up of the ACC till at least 2036, and i think it will survive past that, and so the Big 12 now knows they aren’t going to be able to convince ACC schools to make a lateral move to the Big 12.

Hence…the OSU & WSU talks.

I’d prefer to raid the ACC and expand East instead of North West but SMU/ACC found a way to poison pill not only ESPN …but the Big 12.

This is an example of how brilliant that move was…ESPN has been in the reactive mode

The ACC is going to survive only if ESPN/FOX want it to.

Plain and simple.

They can’t survive without ESPN/FOX purse strings.

Contraction through consolidation.

2036 is a lifetime away in college football terms

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ESPN/Fox tried to consolidate Stanford and CAL and not only did the ACC find a way to poison pill ESPN and now they have to pay for G5 SMU also!

Now OSU and WSU, Consolidation targets, will possibly be paid P money

What do you think is viable for the ACC?

What does it take to hold it together?

One of 2 routes IF a few ACC teams leave.

By 2036, they need either
UCONN , USF, Tulane continue to grow to be obvious power replacements


The ACC gets so strong they have the pull to grab West Virginia, Cincinnati & UCF from the Big 12

If the sports illustrated rumors of AT LEAST seven teams trying to leave are true, then the ACC, at least as we know it, is DOOMED.

Adding the three dwarves won’t save them.

It’ll simply spur on the Exodus.

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It’s doomed no matter what.

Bare with me…

Who are they losing, adding, and how many total left on your first scenario?

The 2nd scenario is never going to happen.

AGAIN…how are those 7 breaking the GOR and what is the penalty?