Big 12 Basketball 2024

Can’t wait to play them. Not saying we’ll kick their a$$, but it will be a great measuring stick for us. I will say, I do like our chances at home :sunglasses:


I expect Kansas to be very tough.


Aka asking for hard elbow in your kidney

They lost a big weapon in Arterio Morris. Bring them on. Lets bomb them from the outside!!!

Just another top 10.

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Big XII BABY :sunglasses:!!! Can’t post the direct link because of Vitale’s first name :joy:

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Love the 3MW podcast, my favorite college hoops podcast (after our own No Conference for Old Men one of course :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)! Below’s another good Big 12 preview one:


I’ve listened to all of your podcasts and they were enjoyable to listen to. I enjoyed having the guests on to.


Thx so much for the support :heart_eyes:!!! This week will be the start of games, and the episode will be reflective of what our intent is during the regular season. Please give it a listen later this week and provide honest feedback on what you’d like to see to improve the content. Again really appreciate everyone that has listened in :pray:!

“The cream of the crop. Its the B12.”

A fantasy B12 Hoop focus,

Long time listener. 3MW know their stuff.
All 3 of them can name the 8th man on ____ in 2015.

1 error that wasn’t instantly corrected by another host in years of listening.
They mentioned UHs Mylik Wilson as a Neb transfer a few years ago.

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