Better NBA player… Tugler or Jarace?

Peak offseason time. Obviously this is well in advance but it doesn’t have to be that serious. I just want to hear your thoughts on who you think will have a more successful career. It may be fun to look back on. Both play the power forward position. Maybe jarace plays a 3 in a bigger lineup and Tugler plays the 5 in a small ball lineup. But they’re a similar postion

I’m going Tugler over Jarace. He has a higher defensive ceiling and I see him filling in a Naz Reid type role. He’s an athletic freak and at 6’7” (looks more like 6’8” now, taller than J’wan and Arceneaux) with a 7’6” wingspan he’ll wreak havoc in an NBA defensive system. Also, there were many times he went to high up on the screen this year but he could recovery due to his quickness. Once the game slows down and he hedges screens more appropriately, he’ll be even more of a defensive monster.

Whereas with Jarace I see his ceiling a little lower. To me it all depends on how he can improve offensively. His shot, his handles and on defense learning to rely less on his athleticism and become a better rotator.

Obviously I’m rooting for both. But Tugler seems to be a better prospect to me.


What I remember most about jarace defense was his recovery blocks. Sure Tugler is good at this but jarace is wildly good at this also.

Jarace shot over 40 percent from pro 3 range last year. He is vastly better offensively. It’s not even a close call

In summary, this doesn’t have to get serious, but you are high.


Until Tugler develops a shot it’s Jarace by a mile


I’m thinking when Tugler finishes his junior year here he will be a top 10 pick.
Walker was much more polished at this point but Tugler will have the advantage of playing for Coach 3 years.
By the end of this year we should be amazed at the improvement of Tugs game.
I think he will be much more aggressive to the hoop and right there with Roberts and Francis as our best rebounder.
Yes he has a long ways to but the talent and the dawg is there!

Jarace was raw when he arrived and still leaps and bounds further along than Jojo.
Still lots of development needed for Jarace to stick and he will get the time.
Jojo still has lots of development to get there. I think he can but still need to see it.

He had those recovery blocks because he got beat of fthe dribble or didn’t rotate and close out a man. Obviously he’s an athletic freak too but you can’t do that in the NBA.

On the other hand Tugler hedges ball screens and messed up a good amount of times because he’s a freshman and he still could recover and impact the shot.

And I know the teams were different but before Tugler got hurt we were on pace for the best defense in the last century. After he went down we struggled a lot.

I don’t think we should even compare them defensively. Tugler makes a much bigger impact on the end of the court.

Now offensively Jarace is much better but Tugler can get there.

It is too small of a sample size. He shot 55 threes and made 22 of them. He also shot 40% from the field in total. He was 45-110 of field goals.

But he’s showed promise in the g league and in college as a floor spacer.

He also had poor shot selection this year for the pacers. There were pacer fans that were annoyed at shots he would take. Go ahead threes with time on the shot clock. Maybe he was trying to impress in his little playing time. If cleans up his shot selection he’ll stay a consistent shooter.

Jarace is better offensively than Tugler though. There’s no denying that.

There are a lot of forwards in the NBA that can shoot. But not many can do what Tugler does on defense. And that’s what makes him so special.

Jarace is light years ahead of Tugler just because he has a jump shot. If Tugler gets a jump shot then we have a legit arguement.

It’s doesn’t even matter right now though. That’s how special Tugler is on defense.

Tugler offers more on defense than Jarace would obviously and he offers more as a defender than Jarace would offer with his offensive skills.

As Pesik said the other day Tugler is a guy where you need to watch film to see how good he is. His stats don’t stand out.

I don’t think that is true. Jarace was a special defender. Go back and rewatch the round of 32 against Auburn.

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This is true but Tugler is even better. Jarace relied way more on his athletic ability to block shots and play defense.

There were so many times that Jarace played last defense even in the Auburn game. There was a play were we were trapping in the corner. The backside was open and usually it’s very hard to make a pass out to the opposite end of the court.

However, Jarace was not denying the first pass away from the player with the ball. So they easily passed out of the trap and got a wide open shot as our defense couldn’t recover.

I mean they teach little kids this. Why would he just stand there and watch us trap in the corner and not make it more difficult to pass out of it? He relied heavily on just jumping up and blocking a shot from behind rather than playing good solid team defense.

You are putting the cart before the horse. Jojo can be special but Jarace was a great defender capable of switching anywhere by the end of his Fr season.

I think debating this is silly and you are exaggerating to prove your point.
I will just agree that Jojo can be really good for this team and have a potential NBA career.

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Sure, Jarace was a pretty good defender. But Tugler is special. There are so many articles talking about Jojo Tugler being a NBA prospect while he was in high school based on his defense alone.

It’s not insane to say Tugler is a better defender than Jarace. We were on pace for the best defensive rating in the last century before he got hurt. After he got hurt we weren’t even first in Kenpom for the year anymore and we dropped dramatically.

It’s close on defense but not even close on offense which for the NBA is far more important

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It’s not close on defense though…

It’s a toss up defensively. Offensively they’re in two different worlds.

It’s not a toss up defensively. As I said Tugler’s enormous impact was seen in how much how defensive rating slipped after he got hurt.

And I mean he’s in elite company with his percentages and efficiency on defense. The YouTuber Hoopsvision68 who made the video on our defense literally highlighted Tugler as a big reason our defense could do what it did. The way he rotated and affected shots was insane.

He can keep ups with guards and his long wingspan makes up for his freshman mistakes


I agree there far apart offensively. But it’s not a toss up defensively in any world

I’ll try and clip some of the plays

I really started to analyze 13 when Hog said he was high. A lot of great artistry comes from a melted head. If he’s on LSD then this thread is about to go off.

JoJo only played 16 min/game last year. I love JoJo and think he has a lot of potential. It’s crazy to compare him to Jarace at this point though.