Baylor's new arena

TCU is pretty small 8500 seats, are there really bad seats there? I’ve never been. There are tickets for $76 after fees available thru stubhub

TCU’s arena is smaller than ours now.

I will look again this week but i saw few in 100-150.00 range but they were in corners of second level. I don’t mind driving, and i thought about making it just 1 day trip. Game is at 5 p.m.
Get there around noon… have lunch, etc, then head back 7:30-8:00 n hm before midnight. Wife approved , i just didnt wabt to pay rt at 300.00 ea after fees when i looked. I will review options again this week

It is east of I-35 on the south bank of the Brazos. It appears to be oriented in a north to south end to end configuration. It looks kind of small when I’ve driven past it.

I hope the lean times never return, but a scattered student section would look so much worse than what we have now. It would be nice if it was as simple as moving the court 180 degrees, but for the tv equipment it isn’t.

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I was there a month ago and it didn’t look that nice from the outside. I didn’t go inside, but the first glance at the exterior was way less impressive than McLane Stadium or their new visitors center (which is pretty close to this new basketball arena, but on the other side of I-35). Both of those latter two facilities are very nice - but despite the renderings in this video, I’m not convinced this facility will be as nice.

And anyone who has driven I-35 in Waco knows that it is one of the worst stretches of a freeway in Texas.

I drive between New Braunfels and Fort Worth monthly. I-35 the whole way is the worst stretch. Sometimes I’ll take US 281 to avoid I-35 even though it takes an hour longer.


I’ve been watching their pregame show, game just started. Arena looks awesome inside, exterior doesn’t look like much to write home about.

Worst part is the tv angle is similar to Oklahoma State’s waaay too steep of an angle for my liking.


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Based on what I can see it seems that their arena is bigger and the stands are a better view at all angles. Their students and fans are also closer to the floor so the space is much smaller. I think they did a good job minus the screens. That’s an awkward angle to have a screen because the have small wings showing stats or something else that might make you squint.

They definitely learned what works for us and used it to improve upon it.

If we could do it all over again, I would just extend the seats closer to the floor and reduce the space to feel like everyone is on top of the floor. Mainly students. I would also add more luxury stuff in the club area. That’s about it.

I’m confused by this statement.

According to Wikipedia, the seating capacity is 7000.

Aren’t their screens similar placement to the Fertitta Center?

Bears christened the brand-new, smaller and much louder Foster Pavilion with a 98-79 victory over Cornell on Tuesday night.

“Lights are bright in here, the energy was good,” said [RayJ Dennis.

“It’s a nice arena. It gets loud, sort of what kids dream of when they want to play big-time basketball,” Cornell coach Brian Earl said. “It’s a good environment and they should be proud.”

Yeah but the angles make it look more like a Pentagon.

They also messed up for TV purposes. Their seats are relatively high now even if more on top of the action. So on TV it looks bad. I can imagine it looks bad the higher you are in person as well.

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It looks small but maybe it’s because the stands are so steep.

You’re right, the camera angle is from the nose bleed section. Fail.

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Not everyone loves the new arena.

Wow, a lot of disappointed Baylor fans. Guess a lot of Cougar basketball fans are not the only ones disappointed with certain things about their team’s arena. However, it looks like UH’s FC is by far with a better lay out.


Makes our complaint that it looks empty on TV when it is not seem like a pretty minor thing. How could you not get things like camera positioning or seat orientation right?!