Baylor's new arena

You’re exactly right. What would happen would be that the tables would be reversed.

Speaking of Rape U, I remember interviewing Dave Bliss, what a scumbag he was and fitting for them.

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Blue water?

This appears to be becoming a pattern.


cant get over the catamaran anchored in the brazos river.

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Gorgeous gym. Stands look steep so noise will be an issue when they’re good.


Yeah, the way they built that puts the crowd right on top of the floor. It kind of has an “old school” gym feel to it, based on the pictures.

Looks like they got students on the right side of cameras too.

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First glance at the interior reminded me of the Heart of Texas Coliseum. Anyone else remember going to games there? Vinnie Johnson, the Microwave. H.O.T. was located out in some fairgrounds area in a random part of Waco. Parking area was unpaved.

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It looks nice. It looks like they used the Fertitta Center as a blue print though.

I wonder how many threads there are on BaylorFans complaining about it only being 7500 seats.


But did they leave room for expansion?!? If no then no longer term thinking. SMH.

Anyone know the orientation of the arena? I’d be concerned about those windows up top for an afternoon game creating awkward glares. That’s not something you typically would see or want in a basketball arena

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Looks like they put a batter’s eye in each end zone. :laughing:

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this looks nothing like the FC… :thinking:
only resemblance is they have the student section on the floor like we do.
Overall, looks very nice. Place will be loud when packed.
First thought, it reminded me of old-school basketball arenas, like Hinkle or Assembly Arena.

Maybe thread on not enough Mens restrooms.

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Can’t wait to put a loss on their floor for them.


I looked at going to both or either of the TCU or Baylor Road gms last week on Stubhub/Seatgeek. You pretty much can’t get a decent ticket for under 250.00 for either game. Esp Baylor w the new Arena will be a tough ticket t9 purchase rest of the season

Edit: pretty sure the BIG12 has affiliation w Seatgeek bc both Schools sites sent me to Seatgeek not Stubhub for tickets.

From the student section, up to the top seating of that one side, it looks like a copy of the Fertitta Center south side. (With slight modification)