I guess you no longer believe in the 1st Amendment.
Abusing women has nothing to do with freedom of speech.
Is that why she wears swimsuits on stage and gyrates?
I 100% believe in the 1st amendment. Have a minimum of common sense. Don’t be surprised when large groups have no self esteem and feel it is normal to get abused. It has nothing to do with the 1st amendment. It has everything to do with responsibilities.
The music has everything to do with freedom of speech.
You can dislike it. I do too. I don’t like a lot of things people say. But they have every right to say it.
That’s how freedom of speech works. I can protest it. I can speak against it. But it can’t be banned.
Is rapping about raping a woman music? Get a clue mister. This is exploitation at its level level. You can’t see the difference? That is for you to answer that one to yourself.
Every right to say “rape women”?
You’re wrong about this. You don’t understand freedom of speech and you’re confusing speech with actions.
That’s a really, really stupid comment. Don’t put disgusting words in my mouth.
Here you go again. You called it music. Stupid does not define it. Anybody that has a child son or daughter should be repulsed by these lyrics. No sir it is not right to write:
Go and rape women.
You can call it what you want. That doesn’t take away their right to say it.
But don’t put words in my mouth.
You and only you write/defend what you want.
How do you feel about a man saying he grabs women by their private parts?
I defend freedom of speech. You don’t.
I don’t defend what they say. Get it straight.
You can’t help it.
Ah, so that is ok. Hmmmm
Certainly disgusting but they have that right. However, I’m also not aware of any actual rap song that has lyrics that says “go and rape women”. Is there a particular song or artist you’re referring to or just pulling some extreme hyperbole to try and make a point?
They aren’t saying anything worse than what I brought up above.
Not that I think that was anything but disgusting. But I defend the right to say it.
Again, freedom of speech has trade offs.
Same. 100%
There are many things that drive people to feel that way and I’d be willing to bet rap lyrics would be way at the bottom of the list.
Chris there is plenty of distasteful speech in the USA. but people have a right to spew it, even when I don’t agree with it. However I also draw a line between songs that promote or encourage that type of action between songs about it. There’s tons of songs, books, movies, etc. that feature domestic violence, some may tend to be disgusting or shocking but they aren’t instruction manuals either. Many of them are inspired by the artists life experiences and have cathartic qualities as well as solace to similarly affected people. Here’s some examples, which includes rap songs.
Really talking about banning music is absolutely anathema to the first amendment.
Another thing, freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. I absolutely want anyone advocating for rape in a song, book, or any other form of speech to feel consequences, be it a victim of “cancel culture” or a well deserved fist to the face or some sort of karmic justice.