Basis for disdain for Taylor Swift is?

Mentioning politics in a neutral fashion is not an issue, in my opinion, when it is relevant to the discussion.

I realize not all of the posts were neutral. Most were.

How in the world is it relevant to the discussion when someone post a fake pictures of Trump fans with American flags describing them as anti Swift. There are plenty of pro Trump that like Taylor Swift. Again some of you can’t help it.
For a few here:
Stop describing people that you have no clue about who they are, what they like or dislike. It makes you as ignorant as can be.

Obviously, Taylor Swift needs to go the way of Covid topics on coogfans and
be brought in to the Htown*Lockdown !

Taylor topics are just too controversial for coogs.

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We know what you did there.
Purposely for anyone in the public eye especially someone like Swift and this turns to one side vs. the other. You guys really can’t help it.
You did not even read my post. You know and I know your/my political leanings. Does that make me my children not listen to her?
The answer will be no…to your chagrin and your disdain to anybody that can be open.

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First of all, that meme post was determined to be inappropriate and hidden. Second, I don’t know how those were “fake pictures”. The rest of the discussion has been neutral.

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Are opening up a political section again?

All I say is…

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No one really said or implied otherwise. Some made judgements on the type of person who dislikes Swift because she is “too political”.

Chris, would you consider yourself a Swiftie?


Chris, what do you think is the reason for the disdain of Taylor Swift?

I’m merely observing from the social media landscape that many people driving the “I don’t like Taylor Swift anymore” trend share many similar demographical traits. And Jason Whitlock.

I’m wondering if she interested in getting involved at UH in some capacity since it’s her mother’s University and she didn’t attend any University. Maybe she can help with our NIL or provide academic scholarships etc

I thought the disdain for Taylor Swift was generally implied

I literally had no assumption that it was anything political. I could care less about her politics. I think she’s a decent artists for being a pop star, and I totally understand why she’s as famous as she is especially recently

That said, it is getting a bit fatiguing seeing her plastered everywhere. It’s clear that the NFL is pushing her to try and get higher ratings / viewership

Au contrare, my niece and husband are taking their 2 girls to London to see Taylor in concert.

Each group of women have their star. Madonna, Brittany, Lady Gaga, Taylor…

Greatest concert I ever went to was Brittany. 95% of those in attendance were 20 something women dressed like hookers who shook their booties from start to finish. Kliff Kingsbury ended up on stage getting lap danced to by Brittany.

She has made her politics clear. Her dad tried to talk her out of it, didn’t want to lose fans but she felt compelled

Like her music, you don’t have to listen to her.

Very few posts have triple layers of irony. Mad props! :clap:t2:

No her dad was even against it. As he has a hard enough time keeping her safe.

Are you mentioning her dad’s to say she was not political previously in her personal life?

Of course as an adult, she can choose for herself to be political or not and her own acceptable level of risk.

It’s not being political. It’s about a certain kind of political. My guess, anyway.