Basis for disdain for Taylor Swift is?

Can somebody please explain why this was considered inappropriate and thereby hidden? That is a serious question.

Another question: How ridiculously immature and paranoid do we REALLY need to be? That’s a serious question too especially for college graduates :mortar_board:

There has been nothing but civil and honest discourse in this thread, btw.

Don’t forget her mom’s a Coog. Ya’ll be nice to her.


Right! I totally forgot about that. Thx!

Whew. For a second I thought that you typed all of that.

I like Taylor Swift.

Her Mom is a UH grad, which means that we should all try to make her the official “pop” star of UH!

I’m not a fan, but I’m also not a big pop fan in general. However, I do respect the talent. I was actually surprised to read above that she has been doing this for 17 years. Where in the heck have I been?

We’re the same age. For all I know, we shared a class. What was her major?

I wouldn’t want to be in the public eye for 17 years. It seems like drudgery to me, despite the income. But that’s just me.

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Life doesn’t have to be like that. Find a good beach boys song and a good Beatles song and listen with your granddaughters on their Spotify (recommend wouldn’t it be nice and here comes the sun).

My daughter is a beach boys fan in her early 20s. I spent a good part of 7th grade back in 85 listening to beach boys tapes.

I went to my first UH game thanks to a beach boys concert after the game (shout out to my friends season tix holder parents for taking me)

Listened to a lot of Beatles in high school.

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More pushing a political agenda, and not just asking people to vote.


It’s weird

I am not a beach boys fan by any means in my 20s. I actually really don’t like their music, but their song “All I Wanna Do” is literally one of my favorite songs of all time lol

It’s too bad that song is a unicorn amongst their discography

And people wonder why coogfans has been going down hill and doesn’t get the traffic it use to get. This is a thread?

and here you are

Team Jan & Dean


Pointing out a pathetic thread. Yes and here I am sukie.

Keep bumpin’!

Same. Although I saw someone complaining how much they kept showing her during a football game over the weekend. I can see that to be annoying, much like Joe Buck reminding us that Juan Soto is 21 years old.

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Did she? Or was she alwats political and you just didn’t notice before? (Rhetorical question really and not particularly directed at Firstandten.) I know I’ve thought that about a public figure before only to later learn they were always political, just as their non-political profile rose, so did their political one.

I also find it funny that some of the most political people I know complain about celebrities getting political. If you or I can choose to get political, why can’t they?

Really that could go for a lot of descriptors, replace “political” with “religious” or “arrogant” or “emotional” or “chaotic” or “cliquish”, etc.

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Maybe, just saying maybe it’s not just politics, nor religion nor arrogance nor music nor cliques. Maybe it’s the other guys politics, religion, arrogance, music or cliques that gives certain people (albeit just a few) heartache, pain and self awareness.

Maybe? Maybe my rump! I’m :100: convinced that’s the case. Amirite? :thinking:

Then I’ll go further than that. It’s not even or just the differences of opinion so much as the tone of said differences.

On a semi unrelated note:
Football (basketball not so much) opinions can and do get a lot more ugly than those other topics, especially after a loss. I’m pretty sure about that one too and that it doesn’t have to be that way.

This is the Satellite?