Arkansas State Coach's Wife Dies From Cancer

Joe Cauthen was with him when he arrived at ASU in 2014.


That is terribleā€¦condolences to his family. Prayers to all.

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Iā€™d noticed his name had been conspicuously absent from the coaching carousel the last couple of years. I would guess this is why. Awful.


Condolences to the family and friends.


Condolences to family and her surviving spouse.

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That is so sad and I know the whole family has been suffering throughout this ordeal. I have lost my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to lung cancer and neither smoked and that makes me worry about Linda. My cousin, who was the best man when I married my first wife, died of liver cancer. One of my closest friends in high school died of bone cancer while still in high school. My wifeā€™s closest friend died of ovarian cancer in '95. The list goes on.

Whenever I hear of something like this, it brings back memories of the loved ones Iā€™ve lost and I can somewhat understand the loss. But, the loss of oneā€™s spouse and life partner is another level that I hope never to have to come to grips with. I just can hope Coach Andersonā€™s faith and faith family can help him cope with his tragic loss.


I donā€™t want to imagine that, either. My Wife told me how she felt 2 years ago when I suffered a seizure/stroke at 40 years old (Blood Pressure) at home and she thought I was dead until paramedics revived me. That was enough for the both of us. Thankfully I have no affects of the stroke and we can continue to enjoy the kids. I sure do wish anyone who has suffered death is comforted. Man, my prayers are with the entire family.


Condolences to the family

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Unlocked by (hopefully) the Athletic. Excellent read.


Thanks for posting, itā€™s a great read. I think my office is really dusty it irritating my eyesā€¦