An actual distrubance in the force

This was yesterday…what other ‘fun’ things will happen to shake the market?

The market already rebounded

It’s just more AI speculation

DeepSeek is merely China’s version of OpenAI, except that China government is actively investing in it

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Who the heck is going to trust a Chinese AI platform? Hell we don’t trust TikTok.


DJT could ban DeepSeek. Either way, it’s a no for me!

All that matters - market wise, is the FOMC. Will Powell be dovish? Or will he come out hawkish?

We all know how China get’s its tech.

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Microsoft probing if Deepseek linked group improperly obtained OpenAI. What you cannot innovate on your own you steal. Chinese have proven to be very adept at doing so. We been their chumps for 30 plus years.

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That’s not really the point

The DeepSeek cinema was that they (China) developed an open source AI model that was merely a few million dollars (allegedly) versus the BILLIONS of dollars that American companies are spending to develop their AI, such as OpenAI

The scariest thing about most of this is that the majority of Americans have no idea what any of this is lol

The stock market revolving around AI is so far beyond the average person

The prize is who reaches the singularity first. General public doesn’t understand or know the high stakes and what’s at play in what country reaches the singularity first.There’s no catching that country technologically wise once they reach the singularity. Chinese are willing to beg borrow and steal ( piggy backing off our technology) to make sure they are first and the U.S…is trying to make sure that doesn’t happen. Hence the chip act with all its restrictions making it difficult for China to get access to these advance GPU chips to run advance AGI (artificial general intelligence more importantly ASI (artificial super intelligence).

Real artificial intelligence (or AGI) doesnt exist and perhaps never will exist

ChatGPT/DeepSeek etc. still rely on the internet to prompt responses, and this specific element is exactly why large language models “AI omg AI” will never be applied to legal professions not limited to Law.

Until ChatGPT uses a centralized database where all the data it gathers it’s prompts from are factually verified by federally governing bodies, it will never takeoff beyond being a faster google search

And that’s all ChatGPT really is. It’s a very very fast google search, but it is unable to confirm the accuracy of its responses nor does it provide the source it gathers its responses from.

ChatGPT is impressive when you disregard the source of its data (the public domain also known as the internet)

The scary thing is that many people think that ChatGPT is indeed actually AI. They don’t know that it’s gathering responses from the internet

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Yea ok obviously your part of that group I spoke about who doesn’t understand. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Please provide me any example of the existence of AGI

Here we go with the tax questions


It’s coming, just be patient. Good chance during this year. Follow the press reports put out by Sam Altman and others in field almost said it’s here without saying it’s here. Once that technology is filled a lot of people jobs are going to go bye bye. When ASI comes lot sooner than people expect all lot of professional jobs will follow suit right up to the ivory towers.

AGI isn’t coming, ever.

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Ok we 'll see. You know more. than Sam Altman and others in the field, Sound like folks who don’t believe man landed on the moon all part of a :rofl:farce. Self delusion is the greatest form of denial

Eh we deserve it

When it gets here I’m gonna tell them the “y’all” not “we.”

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Sam Altman lol

The guy is the biggest grifter in the history of capitalism. He’s a college dropout. He didn’t build OpenAI or take part in any of the engineering. He merely invested in OpenAI from the money he made from a selling Loopt, and then he got handed a position at Y Incubator

He says anything to get people to invest in his product. He’s merely a salesman

Guess you consider Bill Gates as the same?