West Virginia - 70 points vs Clemson in the 2012 Orange Bowl
Baylor - 67 points vs Washington in the 2011 Alamo Bowl
Tulsa is up to 41 + 7 +7 = 55 today (early 4th quarter)
West Virginia - 70 points vs Clemson in the 2012 Orange Bowl
Baylor - 67 points vs Washington in the 2011 Alamo Bowl
Tulsa is up to 41 + 7 +7 = 55 today (early 4th quarter)
I like their offense…
Going to be scary next year.
I am all for strong AAC teams from top to bottom. I am optimistic Major can keep UH respectable.
USF with Strong
Tulsa with Montgomery
USF and Tulsa scare me the most going forward.
Navy with…their HC (I would not be able to spell it right if I tried)
SMU with Morris assuming Year #3 (right?) is the big year for them and not one with moral victories
Memphis with Fuente
Collins at Temple and Fickle at Cincy along with Strong at USF are going to bring strong defenses over time
Next season is going to be very interesting
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