10 Big and Bold 2019 CFB Predictions

Unfortunately, it’s mainly due to their bowl performance.


Army is just like UofH. If they are the highest ranked G5 they get an autobid to NY6 bowl game. Right? BYU is independent, but not P5. Aren’t both Army and BYU considered G5?

Have to be the highest ranked non-Contract Conference champion. No can do if you’re not in a conference.


So BYU can never make a NY6 bowl?

Only if they are ranked in the top 4 or get an at-large bid.

They really need to join a G5 conference. Much easier path to NY6 bowl.

Our offense will be fine. I think we’ll move the ball on OU so long as we have King at full strength. The defense is where I think we’ll have a hard time unless we add depth. Right now we’re super thin very little experience behind the starters. I’m real happy they’re breaking in a new QB.

I didn’t think we would beat OU the last time and I don’t think we beat them this time. Just being honest.

We beat FSU in the Peaxh Bowl, and the OU game was in Houston, so that game was a different story than this one. A win on the road and the first game under new offense and defensive systems is an extremely tall order.

And that’s why we love the Coogs, exceeding expectations under difficult circumstances. Beats the heck out of cheering for the teams that have it easy.


We currently don’t have starters at the cornerback and nose guard positions. So yes we are pretty thin.

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I love the Coogs ALL the time but it’s more fun when we dominate. If you prefer the Helton and Levine years, God love ya!

How you got that from what I wrote confuses me.

CCoog works in mysterious ways…


How quickly we forget Dimel !

I took your comment “beats the heck out of cheering for the teams that have it easy” to mean that you prefer to cheer for teams like ours that struggle. My comment is simple in that I prefer seasons when we dominate.
Make of it what you will or call me whoever you want. I prefer to see our Coogs win and win handily.