I’m taking a bullet for the team

I hate SMU with a passion. It really kills me to say this but I’m pulling for them to go undefeated for the sake of the conference.

Should be a fun Game Day atmosphere tomorrow.


Cincinnati still gets the NY6 bowl bid with a loss imo.


image http://giphygifs.s3.amazonaws.com/media/d10dMmzqCYqQ0/giphy.gif


Me too, I always root for Texas teams whenever possible.

No thanks! Never sacrifice the sake of the Coogs for the sake of the conference. In what world would we want SMU to have recruiting leverage on us. I hope they fall flat. This conference would still be good without them going to NY6. I vote Memphis before SMU!


SMU going undefeated does nothing against my beloved Coogs and it’s not about the NY6 bowl. I want them to win that too.

It’s about showing yet more evidence as to what a farce of a beauty contest the CFP is since they won’t get a sniff.

On a side note:
You can post about a team without mentioning them in the thread title. That’s a hint. :sunglasses:


Maybe Richy Rich big smoo boosters can cry enough to raise a stink.

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I don’t think I can stomach watching SMU plany in a NY6 bowl with our Coogs sitting at home during the bowl season. It seems to me they swapped places with us, and it doesn’t feel good. And yeah, I don’t want them grabbing recruits from us. Nope, I can’t pull for SMU. Just a bunch of snobs with one of the worst fan bases in the country.


bullet, butt, buttock, hit, man, shot, wound icon|512xauto

Uhhh … my apologies … BUT I am NOT taking ah bullet for EITHER TEAM …

DID state it would be ah BARN BURNER … latest ESPN stated Memphis has won the last 5 games by over 35 pts avg … so I imagine the smoooos will have a grudge going into the Liberty bowl …


SMU’s last New Year’s Bowl Game was 01/01/1983 in The Cotton Bowl.

37 years.

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SMU ain’t all that great. They will slip up before the end.

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SMU will have the NY6 recruiting pitch to give to the same recruits we target. I’m sure we did the same after the Peach Bowl. SMU can still have a good season without a NY6 appearance, I mean, they already made history this year. The CFP committee couldn’t care less about what AAC team makes a NY6 on an undefeated schedule, evidence will show that a 1 loss “P5” team will get in before they will.

I can’t believe Coogs are rooting for SMU in any fashion. What’s next, we’ll be rooting for tech after they made those Harvey comments? I’m rooting for the dog and pony show in Dallas to come to a screeching halt after Memphis reminds them they’re still Smoo poo.


This. I will NEVER root for Smoo. They would never root for us to do well and we directly compete with them for recruits.


Rooting for SMOOO is like rooting for the whorns.


Not if SMU goes undefeated.


No Delmar, it isn’t. Nothing is equal to that.

I am not rooting for SMU, but if they win I won’t wail and gnash my teeth. If Memphis, or any other team can go to an NY6 bowl, I would prefer it. But, after we beat Memphis they won’t be able to go and I haven’t given up on us doing just that. Besides, if SMU goes to an NY6 bowl, their coach may be gone the next week.


I’m rooting for any team within the AAC that provides the conference with national exposure, relevance and ranking. We’re not in a P5 conference so we need all the help we can get from our conference membership, whether a Texas team or otherwise.


It will be like Astros losing game 7 in WS again if SMU go to NY6…and we watch them win Cotton Bowl from home.

I’m saying that if you don’t want to root for SMU you don’t have to because if SMU loses, and Cincy wins out Cincy will be the G5 rep in the NY6 Bowl.

If you want SMU to go undefeated for reasons such as raising the AAC profile, etc. then that is fine, but I was speaking solely on the fact that a 1 loss Cincy would still be ahead of Boise imo.