Maybe they’ll follow up with a story about how our fans traveled to San Antonio for basketball. The headline can be “When UH Took Over San Antonio, did 7-11 Survive?”
Appreciate the update Funk!! I at least did my due diligence n let you know the Article wasn’t a Hit piece towards Football program in least bit. It was more from Pez— " hey Coog fans pls come to our games". I forgot bc i know many of you have said it could be better but he mentions they have some things in the works that will make pregame festivities more exciting for those who come to the games. Talks abt new areas to congregate b4 the game.
Party areas are always appreciated. They drive the buzz. I want Pez to be successful. Its not easy. He’s as close to family as we’ve had in the position. But he’s gonna have to figure it out himself. The rest of us collectively couldn’t do it in 40 years. Asking people to come usually doesn’t work on this Houston crowd. Winning gets us close, though.
Looking back at the article-- Pez talks abt the return of Pavillion areas like there was at Robertson stadium. Let me see where else he says.
Permanent pavilions btw the parking garages n the North entrance at TDECU.
Edit: he states they are going to put pavilions in area btw where the Ops bldg will be n North entrance… " this will create lively atmosphere as it will be where the team walks through once the Football Ops bldg is built".
Is he bringing back the Engineering pavilion?
They really need to capitalize on the grassy area at the SE corner of the stadium, since it still has some trees and isn’t as jam-packed as the little sliver of ground between the stadium and Cullen. I think that’s where the pavilion could return to.
But we need to be consistently ranked to keep the interest levels high enough for people to spend their sauna time watching football.
Drive the party!!! Partying is second only to winning as a draw in Houston for the casual sports fan. Anything that drives the party is gonna fly.
This text will be blurred Throwing the article in question aside, the recent series of stories in the Chronicle about our Coogs have been more positive than negative. For example, yesterday’s article was titled “Big 12 Status Could Be Boon For Recruiting” and was the lead story in the sports section. Today’s article discusses future football schedules once we enter the Big 12, is informative (and definitely not negative), and sits at the bottom of Page 1 in the sports section. I’m a Chronicle subscriber who has spewed lava after previous shots the paper has taken at us, but I feel the recent articles as a whole have shone a more positive light on the program. Hopefully, that general trend continues going forward.
This was something I brought up and they loved the idea of it. Hopefully it comes back.
Well put MisterW. JD just stated openly again recently that covering the Coogs is by far the most fun and enjoyable assignment he’s had while working for the Chronicle. But imo as long he’s working/writing for the Chron he can do no right on this forum. No matter to me, I know what i get out of it. As you said the Series of articles on the move to BIG12 have been very enlightening n covers behind the scenes that he has been given access to. #GoCoogs
Edit: i need go chk on all new Expansion threads
Sicem 365 it’s the best source for realignment info right now.
Palm trees!
I just got off the phone with my dad right now. I told him about the pavilions and he said that’s excellent. They also need to bring in the trees. Lol
It doesnt much matter because very few read it.
Valid question by Chron. I sincerely hope for the sake of UH and it’s coaches, student athletes and administration past, and present that they show up
UH needs to lower the prices on some of those seating options. Those huge Cougar Pride donations make it tough to justify baking in the 95 degree weather for four hours to see Kansas, Rice, Tulane, USF, Temple and Tulsa. Deer lowered, that is one crappy home schedule.
Like if they’re really working on GameDay and all, if some of the stuff I suggested went through, what a freaking win for the students, alums on this board, and mainly the Coogs of CV3.
They need ( May have not sure) to bring back the family 4 pack and different packages that make it affordable for families to go the games again. I’ve noticed on the radio advertisements for Football more recently but have commercials on local tv, be all over social media with ads and call/email season ticket holders and former season ticket holder’s to buy tickets again
I believe you said it but the University needs to let in every student that shows up with a valid ID. Until we’re packing TDECU turn away nobody
I bought a “family” pack this year. Technically, it was buy 3, get one free. I believe im secttion 232. With Pride donation it was $225 per ticket, which I thought was a good deal, even with the crappy schedule