He visited St Joseph again in the last couple weeks. He might want it plus a new hospital.
There were rumors that UH was interested in buying St Joseph, which may have been factual since we now know they are very interested in getting a hospital.
Building a hospital where thereis a need for one on the Eastside, boost their case to get the money for it.
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As someone with good authority on hospital construction, the Cypress Memorial Hermann was about $150 Million when it was originally built.
What would our new medical branch be called? UT has UTMB.
UHMC… University of Houston Medical Center
If what’s in the article goes through, it would most likely be called, the University of Houston Hospital, Harris Health System similar to their existing ones. An abbreviated name could be UHH.
It would not be a medical center unless there are doctor office buildings and other major medical related buildings near the hospital and that takes a lot of land.