UH Greek Life

Building a robust Greek Life shouldn’t predominately lay in the hands of the administration

It’s simple.

If you want a Greek system similar to UT or A&M, you need wealthier kids that care about Greek life.

Like I said above. UH has wealthy kids. Those kids just don’t happen to care about Greek life.

There are plenty of kids in the Houston area that are attracted to Greek life, but they would rather attend a school that already has an established Greek system


“Meanwhile, Texas A&M, Texas, Texas Tech litetally accept majority of HIGH ROI Student’s and for those that weren’t…they have Freshman Orientation to ENSURE you will be a HIGH ROI student while attending.”

Texas Tech is slightly easier to get accepted than UH. There is around 8K students living on campus today at both UH and TT. UH housing in the next 3 years will bring UH to over 10k+ students on campus. You look at major coverage like US NEWS, and UH is ranked higher than TT. I have a friend’s son that was not accepted to UH college of engineering, so he went to TT. He’s transferring back to Houston next fall. In the case of engineering, there are way more “HIGH ROI Student’s” at UH than TT. There is also a quality Freshman Orientation at UH as well.

“There are plenty of kids in the Houston area that are attracted to Greek life, but they would rather attend a school that already has an established Greek system”

Students today don’t choose colleges solely because of the “Greek Life” at the campuses. School Major and its branding/prestige attracts the students. Athletics and events related to it attract the most campus students. Other colleges are losing members.

Most of the SEC schools in “poorer” low population states like Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi & South Carolina sell prospective 'out of state" applicants on college experience and it works!

Look how nany Texas kids go to those schools…including Tilman’s kids

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This means the average chapter has less than 40 members. Typically, 40 is considered the minimum to have a functional chapter/organization. Below this, it is difficult to sustain a chapter financially. Some fraternities will put a chapter on probation or pull the charter below this level. It’s in everyone’s best interest for all chapters to grow well above this number to have a thriving student life.

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During my time at UH in a fraternity, the best aspects of membership included attending sporting events in a block of seating along with other Greeks, intramurals, and help with classes. The parties were great, but many could be attended whether you were a member or not. Does the athletic department market to the multiple organizations and coordinate block seating still? I think that would be a great way to start if they are not already.


It’s unfortunate but a lot of the chapters are struggling. But students today often have negative public perception, and hazing scandals with Greek Life from the media. There’s also different interests like more associations that are viewed as more fun and less costly. Events like Homecoming Week was a lot of fun and athletics is where most of the campus events are focused. It’s just a different time and its not only UH that is having issues with Greek Life.

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The athletic department works with the Spirit and its musicians. So the music parents and their families have access to cheaper seats and sections. This also extends for families to become members at the tail gaiting events for a place to tailgate and get great food while getting an exclusive performance.

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NY doling out rugged individualism.

It could be simply that the cost of attending college has gotten so high that more kids are finding it financially prohibitive.

The psychological term for this is superordinate goals, and it has been shown to facilitate teamwork and reduce conflict.

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Can someone help me? ChatGpt says there are over 30 sororities and fraternities but one site says six. What am I missing?

I’m trying to convince my daughter to pick UH but I need as many power tokens as possible.

There are more academic fraternities/sororities and then the Greek ones that we typically view as a Fraternity or Sorority…there are fewer of those

Oh. So six traditional Greek?

I think LAW posted the number of active chapters

I was staggered when I saw the names of the chapters no longer on campus. I knew and competed against their rush chairmen.

This would be a recolonization effort. Alumni groups in place. Funding opportunities would be available on some basis. Without adding any fraternities that don’t already have a UH background we would be at 27 houses, at a minimum. Taking 40 as the minimum number to be viable you get 1080 men. You are telling me with all the excuses you can imagine that you could not get 1080 members out of 19,000 men? 38000 undergrads divided by 2. I don’t believe it.

Previously I stated that Yeoman/Fouke always had block seating for the fraternities directing behind the UH bench. Frankly if the AD isn’t encouraging this he is very foolish. I would encourage it for any student group that wants it.

I suggest that one of you techie people send this entire thread to Renu and the AD… add the Student Life people. I could be all wrong but I don’t think so.

Sigma Chi wasn’t on the list, but have been back on campus for a few years.

I guarantee that they would all love to expand back into Houston. They just need the students interested in joining.

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And a good rush chairman.

Caucasians and African-Americans don’t move back into school districts they abandoned- that’s not the Texas way - we like new and newer and that’s why we keep running