UH 2025 Recruiting

After Dozier’s closed, that’s about it.

There are posh subdivisions like Fullbrook and Fulshear Run going up there.

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I live in Cross Creek Ranch here in Fulshear, it’s booming

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Another great suburb.

I live right down 1463 in Cinco Ranch II.

Technically considered Katy, but right near the border with Fulshear.

play golf?

Not in several years.

Should probably take some lessons!

The set of clubs I have is strictly Wal-mart special and I haven’t used them in probably more than a decade.

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Coogs offered Ridge Point receiver Dane Jones yesterday at the Coog football camp.
I said from the get go that Jones, like Carlisle is very underrated. The Carlisle to Jones combo will be one of the best in high school next year.


The young man has plethora of offers from schools in every P4 conference

Another service reported on 5/29/24 its a 2-team race for Dane Jones, Boston College, where Jones visited 6/7/24, and TCU, where Jones visits on 6/21/24. Leading some credence to the report was Jones retweeting. Glad UH was able to sandwich in a visit. There is always a chance.


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Jones and Carlisle are pretty close and Austin is a dawg of a recruiter for UH!
Of course there are many other variables in recruiting but I like our chances.



AC highlights at new 7 on 7 event. This dude can really sling the football. He has all the traits to be a great QB. He was recently rated the #6 dual threat QB in the nation by ESPN. He got a 79 overall rating which is 1 shy of a 4 star. I wouldn’t be surprised if he plays his way into a 4 star rating and become the first 4 star QB to sign with UH in a LONG time.


Saw a picture of him and Case standing next to each other at the camp. Very similar in height.
Carlisle is already 210 pounds and he is going to get even bigger and stronger.
He will rep this great U just like Case does


A QB that can throw like that and run a 10.5 100m while being Ivy League smart? Yeah those don’t grow on trees. Like Brian Smith (scout) said…. If he was 6’1 he’d have every offer in the country.


I’m glad he is not 6’1” lol

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He’s rated higher (composite too) than the Kitna kid that Dana had locked in. I remember a lot of consternation when he decommitted. CWF replaced him with a higher rated prospect and many of our fans think of him as a sleeper prospect lol.


Have never accepted the narrative that “It is difficult to get lineman at a school like Houston”.

WTF does that even mean?


Lineman are like Centers in basketball. You either get all the big ones or you have to develop them like the rest of us. There is a narrative that a school like Houston can’t consistently get 4/5 star Ol that can make immediate impacts. We have only had 1 4 star OL sign in the past 6 years. They believe Fritz’s will change that and a school like Houston can get those guys


He might not have that same dawg :triumph:

In my opinion, a lot of the best recruits migrate to the blue blood or well funded programs because those programs generally offer more things in the way of position development , technique development, facilities, fitness training, nutrition, and other things that will help them elevate their game in order to get to the next level .

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Every player is a free agent every year. Recruiting is still important but expecting to keep your key players for 4 years is likely overly optimistic.

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