Tickets Delivered

UPS Tracking site / Smart Doorbell :slight_smile:


Picked up tickets. NRG Section 125.

Two extra tickets in 614 on the aisle for $125 (what I paid) if anyone is interested. It’s high but the view is great.

Man, I wasn’t expecting luxury boxes but going from the 6th row upper deck at the 50 yard line to the 15th row upper deck at the goal line in a stadium that seats 75% more fans is a pretty tough move.

75 CP points and I’m in sec 122 at NRG.

Section 129 at NRG. 188 CP points

Looking at some of these seating reports and looking at my CP total, my seats might be so bad they might be at TDECU.


Our tickets are an invite to the watch party! :joy:


Sec 129

Sending you a message.

CP Points = 16
Section = 551 
 (practically on the Oklahoma side)

134 here.

521 - didn’t want to be near Oklahoma section, but looks like maybe on the edge. Haven’t seen anyone farther over in endzone yet

Wow. Section 116, 3rd row from the Field at TDECU Translated to Section 631 ROW Q at NRG.
No Comparison and highly upset.

It’s not based on TDECU location. It is based on Cougar Pride points this year and historically. Though I am not that upset with my section, It wouldn’t have hurt to give more to get better seats for this game.

I do understand you being upset though. I thought I might end up in the 600s as well. I would try to sell those and buy some from stubhub. I think there are some on this board looking to sell some extras. That was my plan if I got put in the 500s or 600s.

I thought it was based on this year’s Cougar Pride donation level and then on your cumulative points.

TAMU91, I’m surprised that you’re that far over. 500s aren’t bad at all but 551 is an interesting location. We must have a lot of fans in the stadium. I have about 40 points with 3 season tix this year but only gave $100 to CP this year so I’m probably in the 600s in the endzone.

Got mine, section 125 row T, 140 CPP.

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Remember Texans season ticket holders and people who bought Texas Bowl tickets had shots at tickets as well.

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Section 126 Row G. Near Mike (UHFan79) and Bill F.

CP Pts: 863

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I’m in 551 also with 23 CP points. I didn’t know if I was being punished for not donating more. At least we will have some other Coogs over there.