This is why Antisemitism Can't be Ignored

Yes, I’m sure Israel felt the attack was a threat and so they responded.

No I don’t think the attack was a Palestinian occupation because the attack was done by Hamas, who I doubt asked the Palestinian population for their approval of it.

I’m not advocating anything. I told you numerous times already, it’s in the interest of the US for Jews to have complete control of Israel, for which I support. How does that equate to “Free Palestine from the River”

It’s hardly a “feeling.”

When there are that many people killed, raped, and kidnapped by an outside terrorist group; one that their neighbors elected to govern them and which advocates their destruction, it isn’t a mere “threat” any longer.

It’s in fact an act of aggression and an act of war.

And it is getting responded to as such.


Okay, so why punish Asians at the expense of their own educational success rather than at the expense of students admitted on basis of non-academic merit?

Nepotism, donor-ship, connections, political favors.

No idea what that is in response to. All I said was you need to listen more, and talk less. You talk about many events in the last 100 years of Israel history with an authoritative voice while it is clear your understanding of much of the events is surface level at best.


Call it what you would like, I understand why Israel responded the way they did

I don’t understand your point

Hey listen.

If it were up to me, Asians wouldn’t get discriminated against in admissions.

As for things like legacy admissions, which disproportionately favor the wealthy WASP establishment, I’d agree that that’s unfair.

But given that those elite private universities depend upon the financial support of those families, I don’t see a way out of that.

I agree, which is why many of these people are protesting because guess who donates a lot of money to these prestigious universities?

Listen more, to you? lol

I already know you’re biased, and we have different perspectives. That doesn’t make many any less right or wrong than you regardless of how much you think you know as fact about the history of that region

And I’m not coming at you from an angle of hatred or anything, because as I say time and time again, i support Israel and think its imperative that they remain a stronghold in that region independent from Palestine

No, they are protesting to try to get these universities to remove defense contractors (Boeing, etc) from their endowments, as many weapons made by those companies are now being employed by Israel in their JUST WAR against Hamas.

Problem: those universities care way more about the income they get from their endowments and the research money they get from the Department of Defense than they do about the anti-Israel forces. The fact that many of those protestors also threaten Jewish students, illegally trespass, block access to buildings (or even take them over), vandalize private university property and government public school property, and commit other violations of the law makes universities even less sympathetic.

I can’t say I blame them.

It is what it is.

The reality is, university endowments/foundations often invest in large, blended group funds which include many companies, including defense contractors. It’s nearly impossible to specifically divest those companies, as a practical matter.

And look, I know I have my bits of hypocrisy

I was outwardly neutral when the attack happened. I along with many Americans didn’t know every detail about the conflict other than what some of my Arabian friends would inform me on, many of whom have been advocates of the “Free Palestine” movement prior to 10/7

That being said, I’ve shifted to supporting Israel just because I’ve come to realize how important Israel is in that region over time, but do I think what Israel is doing right now is ethical? Not entirely. I think both Israel and Palestine have shown lack of ethics throughout the entirety of this conflict before and after 10/7.

This is the type of statements you make that shows you clearly aren’t neutral. It may not be your attention to do so, but framing the statement how you did makes it sound like Israel possibly overreacted.

The attack was a threat, it wasn’t about “feeling” that way. They didn’t misinterpret Hamas’s actions.

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Ehh… I think we are saying the same but from different angles. Jewish donors have been pulling out, and universities are panicking, while yes, protests for the divestment of Israel by means of contractors supporting Israel in this conflict

None of it calls for direct violence against Jewish students. There’s lots of hypocrisy from the protesters

It was an attack that Israel could’ve prevented.

I can’t say that I have an emotional attachment to either side because I can see why both sides are making the decisions they make regardless if I think it’s justified. I’m neutral in that sense.

I think many Americans voice their opinion on this conflict through an American lenses, which results in the good guy vs bad guy idealization.

I don’t.

Israel is a powerful ally to the US, and it must remain that way. I see no benefit to a two-state solution nor do I think it’s even possible in the first place.

It’s almost as if you guys are more upset about
my viewpoint and would feel better if I just flat out said I was pro-Palestine, for which I’m not

It’s not even Jewish donors pulling out. Not sure what “Jewish” has to do with it.

It’s a fact that universities nearly always end up investing in defense contractors, either as a condition for getting research dollars, or because they are investing in large blended mutual funds for their endowments that include defense contractors together with many other types of companies.

In either case, divestment is generally NOT possible.

Not sure how “Jewish” is even a part of the calculus. That statement of yours seems strange.

Perhaps some Jewish alumni are withholding donations when universities don’t do enough to protect Jewish students from goonish protestors that threaten them; not sure if that is widely happening, but if it is, then that’s a whole different issue.

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Listen more, period. Read more books on these subjects. You state things in such absolutes that you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about about. You are just as biased as the rest of us, only you claim to us (and to yourself) that you are neutral. Meanwhile anytime you smell some sort of bias you dismiss whatever the person has to say.

There are many parts of this conflict and the history I don’t talk about, because I know that I lack a better understanding of the facts. Whereas you seem to have an absolute opinion of facts in every part of Middle East history.


I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, but I disagree with you saying there’s no correlation when I think there is

Protesters demand divestment → Schools not protecting Jewish students → Jewish mega donors halt aid

Schools protect Jewish students → Jewish donors aid universities → protesters pout and cry

Universities divest from Israel → Jewish donors get upset and halt aid → protesters win

I think you may be 1) drawing a false correlation between divestment demands and Jewish donors, and moreover 2) are probably OVER-ESTIMATING the percentage of donations to top universities that come from Jewish donors.

I’d say that the vast majority of donations to Ivy League schools and other elite private universities come from old money WASP families.

That’s why legacy admissions continues for those groups so controversially.

Has nothing to do with anything “Jewish.”

Incidentally, the IDF just recovered three bodies of hostages, according to a breaking news report.

How am I biased? I don’t care about the history of this specific conflict because there’s no sign that it can ever be fixed. I’m only iterating what I see both sides argue.

I see why people are pro-Israel. I see why people are pro-Palestine.

We are where we are in history, and for the sake of the US’s sake, I think it’s important that Israel remains a single state.

The problem I continually face from you and a few others is that you don’t see any moral ambiguity. Everything Palestine does or has done, you view as the instigator and Israel therefore responds. The same can be said for the Palestine side. They seem themselves as the ones responding.

Who can surely say they know the truth? I’ve yet to see any unbiased response. But I do know that Israel is best as a Jewish state just like they have been for decades.

This conflict was never in the zeitgeist until recent.

I never implied Jewish donors make up the majority of donors at ivy leagues, but I think you are underestimating what they contribute

And it’s also important to see their ability to aid universities relative to Blacks, Hispanics and Asians