Anyone that thought Deion Sanders would have actually ever considered coming to Houston is delusional.
Why wouldn’t he have?
Because it’s quite possible he may have preferred Colorado over us.
You are a delusional…we are now a Power School in Texas.
Of course he would have come here over a 1 win Colorado.
Remember last fall…the PAC was in shambles.
The PAC wasn’t in shambles last fall. That didn’t start till later. They still hade alot more cache than the big 12 at that point. And CU actually has a better history, better donor support, better academics, and fan support than UH. One thing Colorado fans do is sell out their stadium and for Prime I could easily see that putting them ahead of UH for that reason alone.
Whats also very clear is Colorado was not the massive rebuild everyone thought it would be. And it’s clear Deon knew this. So if your Deon do choose a school like UH without those advantages and with a massive rebuild? Or do you choose Colorado. To me it seems obvious for a coach like Deon the choice is Colorado.
It’s not blazing hot in Colorado. I would go to more games if it wasn’t torture.
“Everybody has their price.”
Ted Dibiase, “Million Dollar Man”
It’s why my dad didn’t fell like going to the Rice game. Well that and he was having bad back pain.
True but in our case Colorado could pay the higher price.
What??? Don’t confuse what he’s done. I can’t believe you really said that. On one hand people are mad he flipped the roster like he did, but here you’re saying it wasn’t as big a rebuild as we thought . He’s proven, that with the rules today…there’s no long wait to rebuild a program. Houston is a great job.
oh yes they were…USC and UCLA announced they were leaving in late June 2022.
Then, the Big 12 jumped them in getting a media deal.
They definitely were in shambles by the end of the season starting to spout their ‘long game’ nonsense.,
Ya according to us. To most people the PAC was still seen as being in a better position. And I seriously doubt Deon was following re-alignment as close as we were on Coogfans.
Did I say Houston wasn’t a great job? No I said compared to Colorado, Colorado was the better job.
Sorry my friend, but Coach Prime publically advocated for Colorado to join the B12, if for no other reason, to recruit Texas.
What does that have to do with what I said? In fact you just invalidated your own point. Deon didn’t advocate till after he joined CU. I’m talking before he got hired.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda…but the powers that be choose to stick with the mediocre dud. Colossal mistake
I will say this if it was a sure thing that Deon wanted to, and would come to Houston, Tillman would have found a way to make it happen.
But Tillman isn’t the kind if guy to spend $21 million on a maybe, that’s called a bad investment and he can’t afford to take a loss like that. And that fact is no one has been able to actually provide facts that Deon would have 100% chose us over Colorado. Obviously there are alot of other factors Tillman would have had to consider too.
And I say no, it wasn’t. That job was in the dumps. Facilities is the only win, but in terms of his medical conditions…the access to the medical center makes up for that.
Sure is a lot of red in that second crowd.
Controversy sells.