I agree… Healthy Chaney is the starter… But J’Wan has more rebounds per game.
The bench is extremely young so I like the idea of having Roberts in the game with them.
I like Roberts off the bench. He brings that’s spark and energy. If you have Ramon and Roberts off the bench first that’s some crazy hustle teams have to deal with
I think people forget about that. It’s hard to know exactly what he’ll bring, but I’m certain that it will at least be at the level from two years ago, and probably a step or two above.
Wow that’s is a tall order. I don’t know if I agree with that one but Arcenaux will be a key component to our championship team. I see he might be a one and done from what some of you have posted
Yeah, he said 1st guard off the bench. And said Arceneaux will be a starter by March
K’Wan Roberts is going to be a star. You can write that down. (I just did.)
Him, too.