Silliest thread ever. Symmetry, blah.
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Thank you for your input.
Do you know why didnt they allow room for a soccer pitch if multi-use was a priority?
But what about palm trees?
They were deemed too symmetrical.
It’s because Perry Homes didn’t design the stadium.
Thanks for this. I was a “stakeholder” on the UH side during this process. The architects were awesome to work with and went out of their way to give us want we wanted. Elite work with the limited scope and budget we had imo.
I’ll never claim TDECU Stadium is the best in the country or even a top facility in the Big 12, but it is very near and dear to me. It’s more than serviceable and it’s our’s - the first and only football stadium built for the Houston Cougars.
Everyone wants to forget it was on a shoe string budget, I did not work on the stadium but I have worked in institutional construction and a lot of the planning is we want XYZ and the pre-con contractor or architect puts an estimate together and the next meeting is we can’t afford XYZ and in the end you balance the budget with the needs and wants. I imagine room for a soccer pitch was left out in value engineering because it would have added extra expense to the cost of the stadium.
I had the chance to talk to some of our band at Rice stadium. it was just after half time and they were spent. They get there 2 hours early, carry gear to upper deck. carry back down for half time, then back up for second half and back to campus after the game. About an 8 hour day for one game and it was hot. Let them have the south end zone facility! The band is the Spirit of Houston!
I appreciate the feedback. I’m not bashing the rest of the stadium (although the exterior isn’t my favorite) It’s just this little bit that annoys me lol:
The stadium is outstanding. The tv coverage does not do it justice. That is might be something to look at. For the money we paid this is imo one of the very best stadium anywhere. It would be awesome to have grass especially since it is only used for football. Again OUTSTANDING JOB/PROJECT.
I am in construction too. I will write it multiple times. We got a gem for what we paid for.
They’ll replace the exterior sooner, than later.
I understand they had to go with one of the cheapest cladding materials, due to our budget, but that material does not have a long shelf life.
Hopefully, they’ll replace it with stone or brick panels to make the exterior look “less cheap” and more stately.
I bet when they replace the cladding it will be even more modern then it is now, it’s going to be Space City Financial Stadium after all. Also much of the cladding is perforated for air flow we don’t need to make it solid this is Houston.
Here is the link from the Architect’s portfolio page, it explains the design a little.
If they really cared about protecting us from the sun, they would have installed shade and not rely on perforation in the metal cladding that have minuscule air movement %
How many here have ever said " Wow, that stadium was ice cold due to the air movement caused by the perforation in the metal panels" no body!
If anything since metal panel bake in the sun, all day, and get to extremely hot temperatures and then the air they move is hot air released from the metal.
The metal panels were a value engineering move and not a comfort enhancing move.
This with brick would be cool
The multi use will be pro football, HS playoff football, UH football and spring football, concerts and specialty events
Not to open a can of worms, but was in Lawrence this weekend, stayed next to the KU campus stadium, if could post pictures I would, but it is partially covered on north and west sides, don’t know about the rest. It is an overhang like Baylor.