Well, they would let that element in terrible end zone buildout be one them.
At least it’s symmetrical.
well…they have Traditional students that notice
Symmetry is overrated. We don’t have a classical architecture style stadium. Time to get over it…
That’s UH for ya.
despite…designing the stadium from scratch and having the land to make it symmetrical.
Not like we were trying to retrofit a 150 year old stadium
Also, hate to bring this up…but if FC continues to sell out…we may need to start looking for a new arena site on campus to accommodate the demand. Yes, i expect us to be consistently good for the foreseeable future!
Yes! it happens…even NRG Stadium is due for a renovation
If you don’t know where they were before, maybe stop digging this hole.
Where they were before was demolished before it could fall down.
They weren’t at Robertson.
didn’t realize having a symmetrical stadium put points on the scoreboard or Ws in the Win column.
But why have one that’s not symmetrical?
It doesn’t
The uterus is not symmetrical… sure some of the elements are but the whole thing is not. Its a stadium there are are functional aspect that have priority over the form.
because it doesn’t matter… Also, you do realize that the the endzone aside, the north and south sidelines are also not symmetrical right? lol
Yeah, it’s not the best looking stadium. That outer shell is terrible too.
taps the sign… *
Memories of the band annex 91!
To UHCoog - Any other stadium with the band attached? How about the national champion, The Ohio State University. Their band room is under the slanted part of the seating, on the visitors side. I have been in their facility. It is spectacular and huge. If it OK for the national champions. It might be OK for UH. (a bit of sarcasm)
I got to see it for the first time UNLV Football weekend. So proud!