Some good news

No he isn’t.

He’s a County Attorney.

Has been for two decades or so now.

Back off my classmate!

That explains it…thanks

Explains what?

You’re welcome.

So What?

That’s some pretty good money for waiting tables. Dental hygienist make $37-44 per hour, depending on experience but not always, I pay by how long they’ve been working for me. Sometimes you can hide wage by giving bonuses but that’s a discussion for a different time. Dental assistants make $15-23. Maybe she meant to say dental assistant.

In my first job out of school I worked for a guy that paid on the low end of the scale for pretty much every position. One day we were having a discussion on the assistant turnover rate in the office and I mentioned to him that it’s probably because he is competing with Taco Bell and Walmart for his talent. Being a dental assistant is a hard job. Behind the scenes you do all the stuff nobody else wants to do (clean traps, run maintenance on equipment, clean and maintain the lab). A lot would leave for easier jobs with the same pay.

and that is the problem. Taco Bell or all (99%) fast food stores are turning to automation.

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So what should the solution be?

An employee instead of a minimum wage should be enticed to make more with incentives. You reach incentives? You get bonuses.
France and other other European countries started to include tips with the tab. This was in the early 80’s. Prior to that service was always (90% of the time) good.
What happened after or what do you think could happen? Let see you already know you will make 20% tips. Cushy feeling you might say? In addition to that do you really think the patrons are going to add another % to that 20% tip?

Thought the problem was automation.

It is all related JohnnyCougar. You take away incentives or give an automatic reward what do you think happens next?

How does that relate to solving the automation “problem”?

The minimum wage is that the core of this problem. Imposing higher and higher minimum wages cut so much in your profits that you can no longer have a viable business. You lower the minimum wages or do away with it. Replace it with incentives and you become profitable. The service industry would much prefer employ humans than machines. These jobs are by definition “starting” jobs. They were never meant for a career. At the end of the day customers decide not someone or a few seating in the swampy d.c. area. These same dirty politicians can’t be fired. Yes they can be voted out of office.

Y’all do know that the federal minimum wage is still $7.25, right?

Isn’t that a good incentive to better oneself? :thinking:

Keep them hungry so they’ll then want to go find a better job. :roll_eyes:

Good incentive to better themselves? How is that?
Keep them hungry? You come up with this conclusion.

California’s minimum wage?
Minimum Wage – 2023 - CA Department of Developmental Services.
$15/hour now.
Minimum wage in America: How many people are earning $7.25 an hour?

Is $15 a lot in CA? I dunno. I live in Texas.

F*** no lol

Its more the coorporate side of things raising wages and impacting the market in concert with all kinds of shennanigans going on…