So here's what annoys me

Market Value or Face Value is your asking price. If you need the cash for your tickets, I understand. You can always donate back to U of H and let the ticket office sell. Also, U of H Alumni Association will gladly take your tickets.


But the ticket office sells them on the open market, right?


On Jwan’s late game travel he actually moved towards the court doing traveling signal before pointing at Jwan on the ground. In floor seats that people paid 6 figures for.

How people act in a family, work, or non-sport environment is a lot different than a sports environment.

I understand, but this MFer U of H season ticket holder brought two totally obnoxious U of H degrading TT fans into our stadium. It is just irritating that a U of H supporter, season ticket holder would bring 2 TT pieces of Sh1T’s to our game.


I think we need a rule that Coogs season ticket holders can only bring 65+ age fans from visiting schools.
That will be a step in the right direction lol

I’d guess most of them post on Stubhub or a site like that. They probably don’t even know who the purchaser is a fan of.


There are way too many scalpers


It’s half the reason ticket prices for everything have gotten so expensive the last 20 years. Leeches. They add no value to anything, just drive up costs. Wish these losers would go get real jobs. Strong Text

Fertitta Center isn’t “sold out” if were dumping the majority of the tickets to Stubhub. Athletic department needs to rethink their strategy.


Don’t forget that our web site has a portal that allows ticket holders to seamlessly list their seats for resale on SeatGeek. As does Baylor and other schools. They obviously get a kickback from the sales. I would say that any complaints should be directed at them as well if one has an issue.


I’ve had season tickets near the opposing team for several years now. It’s obvious which seats are brokers vs season ticket holders. I can tell you pretty much every season ticket holder that didn’t attend, sold/gave them to TT fans. I’ve never seen this many opposing fans.

It’s totally their prerogative to sell to whoever they want. I get it. But I will let the STHs know how much of an advantage they provided TT by doing so.

The couple next to me were drunk, leading chants, urging other TT fans to join in and just being typical obnoxious TT fan. Me personally, I’d rather the tickets go unused than sell them to the opposition. The problem is, we don’t have enough people with this mindset. Hopefully I can sway a few on Tuesday.


Because it’s the city of Houston with 8 million people MANY of which went to Texas Tech. Season Ticket alotment is sold out. That doesn’t mean the entire stadium is sold out. Ticket brokers also own seats and resell them. It’s no different than any other stadium in the country. My guess is there will be a big contingency of UH fans at TCU games as well.

There were about the same number of Tech fans at last year’s game, but the team took their juice almost from the get-go by laying the wood to them. If we had come out like we did against WVU on the road, we wouldn’t be talking much about the opposing fans.


Tell UH to drop SeatGeek

I had the Showcase and didn’t have time to be calling around so I checked SeatGeek. I sold them for $275. No idea who bought them. I’m sure UH got a cut of the commission.

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And I also know that tickets I have given away in the past few years have shown up on resale sites.

I can’t make every game. It’s a long season and my seats are expensive. My rule of thumb is either give them to a friend or return them to UH if it is conference foe that travels well. Everything else is fair game to sell.

AD might want to start a program to award CP points to those that return seats for conference games. That might work, but UH would have to guarantee that they would not re-sell the tickets themselves but use them to reward them those who deserve them or as a recruiting tool, such as area coaches.

Better solution is to CUT the amount we are selling to Stubhub or Seat Geek and give those to the people on the “wait” list. If we are shafting our alums for ticket brokers, people need to be fired! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I can’t agree that we should GIVE tickets to people on the wait list. But it would be good if there was a way to give them first crack at those tickets.

I typically “donate” mine back rather than sell them, but I honestly don’t know what they do with those tickets.

they probably sent their kids to Texas Tech so they are Raiders fans when people are looking.

Matt Thomas

We’re not giving anything away. I’m saying we should give first crack at purchase to the people on this “wait list.”

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