SI Report: Houston and Atlanta next up for NHL Expansion

I prefer the Aeros.

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I don’t like when teams move and keep the name where it doesn’t make sense. The movie baseketball made fun of this in the 90s. Something like the Minneapolis Lakers moved to LA were there aren’t any lakes and the New Orleans Jazz moved to Utah were music is illegal.

I’d rather us find something unique to the city and love the space connection. I think the Texans whiffed on their name.


I Just want an NHL team don’t care what they name them at this point.


Should be Houston and Quebec City.

Aeros belongs to Dayton. That was who the original franchise was planned for. It was pay homage to The Wright Brothers. The Aeros name never really belonged to us and were not an airplane history city. We’re space and oil.

I don’t care. The name and logo was great. There isn’t a naming rule to these teams.If the fans like it, then it works. By the way, the owner kept the name when he came moved the team to Houston because of the Space aspect of the city.

Although the name “Aeros” had been chosen in honor of the Wright brothers, who had lived and worked in Dayton, it was deemed appropriate for Houston given its importance in the space industry.

Aeros = “AeroSPACE.”

Perfect for Houston, with NASA.

If not that
then the Apollos, after the spacecrafts from the NASA space program.


I’m just not a fan of retread. If it does end up being the Aeros, then make sure the color is Houston blue.

Haha we’re talking as if the team is officially in Houston and we have a say in the name and uniform colors.

Space theme names:
Astronauts. ('Nauts)

Red Wolves

Alligator Snapping Turtles (rolls right off the tongue) :smile:

My dad still has a puck from that team.

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The Astros are technically the “Astronauts”.

This is like arguing that the Rockets name should have stayed in San Diego because they manufactured actual rockets, while we mostly just have Mission Control.

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There is an obvious space connection in Houston so the name fits. Not sure that’s apples to apples.

I mean, the first A in NASA stands for Aeronautics, and they hire a ton of aerospace engineers. Doesn’t seem like that big of a stretch to me.

It could work if we marketed it that way. I don’t think the previous version of the team did.

But this isn’t an issue. They don’t need to explain their marketing. The previous team used the name.

This is exactly why I think teams should forfeit the right to their names when they move. Utah Jazz indeed. :roll_eyes:

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Retread my foot. The logo is timeless.

But if we HAVE to change, I say we call the team the Summits. You know, like the old arena, and poke a finger in Osteen’s eye.

Here is one of my original Aeros jerseys from the 1973-74 season. Notice that “Houston” blue was part of the color scheme. Options aplenty for alternates.