School Shooting in Georgia

I honestly don’t even know how to respond to that

The music is our culture, its everwhere. In our movies, shows, on the raduo and at he grocery store. It was made for me to consune, it has been bought by Americans from the start.

Again, you are free to consume whatever you want when you want.

You are free to celebrate your favorite artists / musicians

But no, black culture is not and can not be claimed by white people.

Is it American?

I’m not responding this argument anymore

Because you sound silly. Of course American made music is American.
You always get the same advice in here, start listening

I would be more than happy to see you walk into third ward, and start asking black residents if hip hop is white culture

This is a weird argument.

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I never said that. I said it was American.

No where else in the world has produced our music. No where else did jazz get created…No where else did hip hop get created. Its uniquely American

I’ve been in third ward having music discussions. So f ofcf assuming you know my experience

It really is

Guy’s delusional lol

There are two people arguing.

I think you are confusing the verbs consuming and experiencing

You are seriously sticking to this bs? F off

Y’all have been arguing about this for two days and no one else has engaged in it. Probably time to take it to PM or move on.

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All good to end it here for me

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I finally got him to answer today, i got my response. I’m good. Its just as i assumed

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I’ll leave up to you to study trend lining graphs and what data shows.

As for Columbine, an Intratec TEC-9 mini was used in addition to carbine and 2 shotguns. It is generally considered an “assault” weapon and was stopped in US manufacturing by the ban.


That seems like a weird, arbitrary argument if you can’t compare stats between countries. How about comparing American stats to America pre 1980 for mass shootings ?


Just read the chart, it is there.

Product of a broken home and bullying.
I have to admit. I feel for the dad after reading this.

Very unfortunate about the bullying and broken home for the kid.

However during the home eviction the guns were found in a closet and not locked up. And during the prior investigation the dad said :

“ Asked if his son had access to firearms, the father said yes. ”

Very stupid and deadly to allow kids to have access to guns. And purchasing an AR style for a Christmas gift is really stupid.

I have sympathy for the kid but none for the dad.